Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The 600 pound Gorilla in the room. General McChrystal and Ganjgal.

Do a quick Google search of the Battle at Ganjgal.

If you click the link above it'll take you to a Wikipedia page that gives a quick and dirty rundown of the events that day.

But the 600 pound Gorilla in the room is the commander of US forces in Afghanistan at the time.  General Stanley McChrystal.

If a Commander issues orders that place their forces in a position where it adds to the friction instead of lessening it then something is wrong.  If their orders lead to the loss of life then its a sign of failed leadership.

Rules of engagement led to the loss of an Embedded Training Team.  No one is talking about that.  Letters of reprimand is the most severe punishment handed out that day.

Think about it.  5 American servicemember died that day.  The punishment for allowing that to happen was a letter of reprimand.

Marines died that day and the Commandant of the Marine Corps or the Sgt Major of the Marine Corps weren't punching walls and calling ISAF Headquarter to ask WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

Only an Army Captain had the balls to do that.  His reward?  They lost his Medal Of Honor recommendation that came from General Allen that investigated the tragedy.  Read about this steaming pile of bullshit here.

Long story short.  Our military leadership is failing at every turn.  The Pentagon needs an enema.

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