Saturday, August 18, 2012

The final nail in the coffin for US Counter-Insurgency Doctrine.

via Battle Rattle...
The Afghan police and the Marines had a good relationship,’ said one Marine on the team, who arrived at the grisly scene shortly after the attack. ‘A few of the Afghan police even broke into tears afterwards when they realized what had happened.’
 A few things...
 *Anyone who is still talking about good relationships with Afghan forces after witnessing/hearing about all these attacks is smoking crack, doesn't deserve to be in a leadership position and should be immediately discharged.
*Hearts and minds, the backbone of US counterinsurgency doctrine, is dead as a door nail.  We have done nothing but pour money into that country, build roads/schools/infrastructure, basically we've brought civilization where it wasn't wanted...and yet we still haven't won them over.  Like a trying to turn a hooker into a housewife, it just ain't gonna work.
*General Allen has gone halfway to fixing the problem.  All personnel will be armed now.  Mind you its condition 3 on Jeff Cooper scale but at least they'll have ammo in their guns instead of running around with weapons and NO magazines (as has been the case until now).  People will still die because they'll fumble around trying to get there weapon setup to fire, forgetting that they have to chamber a round AND take it off safe but this is better than nothing.
Good guys are dying for people that just don't give a damn.  The Afghans are not worth the sacrifice.


  1. I just read "The Men the mission and Me" by Pete Blabber (Delta) and he touched a little on some things that seemed to allude to what would become COIN.

    His book didin't touch on these type of incidents (that wasn't its focus), but I wonder how special forces deal with these idiots.

  2. thats a very good question. SOCOM is about to have this puppy all to themselves. this might get messy.


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