Saturday, August 25, 2012

The tale of CAPT Rogers. A warning from the past.

Do you remember Capt Rogers?

Do you remember the pain and worry that his family had to face after he was forced to act on one fateful day.  A day that would see innocent people killed...not because Capt Rogers was a blood thirsty maniac, but because a couple of pilots flew into restricted airspace during a cold conflict turned hot between the US and Iran.

Read the Wiki page for yourself but here's a tidbit.
Nine months after the downing of Iran Air Flight 655, on March 10, 1989, Rogers' wife Sharon escaped with her life when a pipe bomb attached to her minivan exploded, while she was driving.[5] The van was recorded in the name of Will Rogers III, and many people jumped to a conclusion and suspected that terrorism was involved. Five months later, the Associated Press reported that the most likely suspect had a personal vendetta against Capt. Rogers and that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had ruled out terrorist activity.[15] At that time pipe bombs were a common occurrence (over 200 each year) in San Diego County and a largely homegrown threat according to the local sheriff's department.[16] As of 2007, the bombing of Rogers' van remains an unsolved case, despite a major investigation involving at some time up to 300 police men and FBI agents.[17] On February 17, 1993, the case was featured on the TV show Unsolved Mysteries, but no additional information was uncovered.
The story of Capt Rogers isn't widely known or told these days.  Its forgotten been forgotten by most and only the dedicated people in historical society probably even talk about it.  Forget reading about his story at USNI blog or on Proceedings...they're stuck on stupid about insignificant and unimportant personal issues or advocating for rights.

But they should.

Its a warning to all that when you fight certain enemies today, the battle doesn't necessarily end when you get back home.  If you're part of a noteworthy battle, or extremely critical mission these bastards will hunt you AND your family down.

That's where my outrage toward this Navy SEAL comes from.  Its ok to put your own life on the line and I salute him for doing that.  But by penning this book he's painted bullseyes on the backs of his and teammates loved ones.

This book is unacceptable.  The sad part of it though is this.  If the Pentagon allows it to be published I'll read it...and so will every bad guy that SEAL Team has ever gone after.



  1. if i was the secretary of defense or the president i would have gone before a federal judge the day i heard about it and demanded an injunction against its publication, president can cite his powers as commander in chief and ask for the injunction to remain until they can read it and remove in classified intelligence. If they want they can ask a FISA judge to look at it so they can discuss the classified components of it.

  2. "Forget reading about his story at USNI blog or on Proceedings...they're stuck on stupid about insignificant and unimportant personal issues or advocating for rights."

    Are you deliberately thick?


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