Thursday, August 23, 2012

Uncle Jimbo goes hard against the author of the Bin Laden tell all.

Wow.  Check this out from Black5..
One of the SEALs from the bin Laden raid has apparently written a book about the operation.
The book, titled “No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden,” was written by a former SEAL team leader who the publisher said was “one of the first men through the door on the third floor of the terrorist leader’s hideout.”
He uses a pseudonym, but I know his name and it will likely come out shortly. The bottom line is that doing this makes you a douche of epic proportions. There was whining about how former operators were pointing out that leaks about classified ops were hurting our security. They were called unprofessional, which was unfair. They were not giving out info, they were saying that the giving out of info was a dangerous thing This jackass is going to spill the details of the raid so he can cash in.
Dear Loser,
Enjoy the money, you are now dead to all the rest of us.
Everyone else from the Special Ops community
I said it once and I'll say it again.  Special Forces especially but the rest of SOCOM too, won't be putting up with this SEAL self promotion vibe they have running through that community.

This incident is going to give the SEALs a very bad name in the rest of the Special Ops Community and the fallout hasn't quite hit yet.

I just realized something after re-reading Uncle Jimbo's post.  This Navy SEAL has probably put himself, his family and other members of SEAL Team 6 in danger.  If this guys name comes out and UJ thinks it will, then it will be a pretty easy matter of back tracing his steps and finding out the names of other guys.  Maybe not directly but by some good internet searches, a little leg work and determination.  And you can bet that AQ will want to kill the men that performed this mission.  Even if they don't someone around the world probably has an axe to grind. I wonder if this guy realizes the shit he's started.


  1. i agree with everything Sol, i also wonder how much operationally will be leaked. I mean most of it will not be in there thats classified but you have mentioned many times, rightly so, that being one trick ponies (raids) is going to hurt our ability to be flexible, well if we need to do mroe raids, how much will this book tell about the tactics of seals and the safety of seal missions in the future? considring the military is surprised i wonder if there will be a fight over when to publish it and if the CIA/DOD will see it before hand. Also will it become a political football if DOD/CIA puts off publication to look at it and politicians complaining they are muzzling seals, while this would be an argument by romney/ryan and other republicans against obama dont get me wrong, dems would argue the same thing if positions are reversed.

  2. I think its intresting considering there is a group of retired seals leading a group protesting how much info the oboma administration let's details put....but here we.have another seal releasing a book

  3. Sorry, Sol, but: Duh!

    Unless it's some sort of misinformation campaign, which I doubt, the rest is a given. OPSEC is there for a reason. I have a friend who had several friends who tried to change... er... lifestyle some years ago. Two of them survive.


    Take care.

  4. i don't understand what you're saying there shugyosha. can you explain?

  5. Here's the thing. You would have to be a fucking retard to not mentally address the fact that other people CAN and WILL figure your past out and who you were with.

    If someone goes back on this, they will find a self-promoting, lying, valor-stealing (and I say that last part because he IS trying to steal the thunder from those who WERE there. It's not a medal or anything like that, but it is a claim about being somewhere he was not and for doing something he did not do. Stealing valor) motherfucker. Also, he's under SF312 Non-Disclosure papers. That means he's either lying or he's violating his contract willingly and going against the government.

    A couple tin-foiler ideas (an idea is an idea, it's not my primary because I'm not a tin-foiler)? Barry Administration recruited a fall-guy directly from the SF Community to get OPSEC Team, and others, off their backs during the election. OR Barry Administration recruited a promotion guy directly from the SF Community so that they can fully piggy-back him to the finish line of election year in first place...

    Just my two-cents.

  6. I have a friend from a certain background who lost most of his to lack of OPSEC when they wanted to quit.

    It should be obvious to those working certain jobs that OPSEC is not only for the benefit of bosses, institutions or the operation, but also for their own (and their families) benefit. "Oh, man he's so fucked" is the very first thing that came to my mind when I originally read about the book. "And the rest of his people, also" is what came to my mind when I read B5 _knew_ about the real ID. That it would leak was self-evident.

    If it's self-evident to me, it should also be to the people around him. Some of which might take serious issue to being targeted by his stupidity. I don't wish it to him, but I wouldn't be surprised if his days were numbered.

    Which is why I don't think it's some kind of disinformation campaign.

    Take care.



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