Friday, August 24, 2012

UPDATE: SOFREP does NOT give a pass...

Just a note.

Head over to SOFREP to read their latest article.

THEY DO NOT GIVE THE SEAL IN QUESTION A PASS.  Consider me impressed.  I actually thought that since they're a Special Ops Centric website (like I focus on the Marine Corps) that they would cut the guy some slack.  Especially when you consider that they have many Navy SEALs writing for the website.

I stand corrected.  SOFREP played it straight.  Kudos.

NOTE:  I forgot to link to the post on SOFREP.  Click here to read it for yourself.


  1. damn! I forgot to link it. Thanks Spudman!

  2. Why should they be easy on the retard? They're the _first_ ones with their lives on the line [in more than the obvious sense] because of that idiot's stupidity.

    If that "real name M. B." is accurate... Ouch.

  3. Heh heh heh. There is a lot of conflicting information out there right now about the author and this book. The author is saying that he coordinated with SOCOM while SOCOM is saying they don't know anything about it. We'll see how it shakes out. One way or the other, I don't give the guy a free pass even if this whole thing is a publicity stunt. He dragged his unit through the mud just so he could chase a big payday even if no OPSEC is in the book upon publication. I think this is a case of a SOF unit having the technical and tactical competency to execute the mission, but not the maturity to handle their own success. -Jack


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