Tuesday, August 21, 2012

US Coast Guard Amphibious Craft.

Who knew?  The US Coast Guard has amphibius craft!  Too bad they haven't expanded this program to include smaller vehicles for use in the Southern US.  I can actually see them doing good work especially after a hurricane hits...AAV's played a huge role in the rescue of citizens after Hurricane Katrina and it might be good to see a few painted in Coast Guard colors.  On a side note maybe police depts need to be equipping with those type vehicles for real rescue work instead of MRAPs.


  1. Hey this is off topic but it has been bugging me and I can't find someone who will answer this question. Three JLTV finalist are due to be announced on Friday (http://www.dodbuzz.com/2012/08/20/jltv-decision-expected-friday/).

    What I don't seem to understand about this JLTV program is why we are going forward with it at all. I mean what is the need for a HMMWV replacement when we could just modify or enhance the M-ATV which seems to be a versatile and effective platform?

  2. Don't believe this craft was USCG? You got a source?


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