Saturday, August 11, 2012

UTAS Shotgun. Its real and for sale!

When I first saw this shotgun all I could say to myself was "hmm pretty good for vaporware...we'll never see it for sale."

I was wrong.  Last night while I was surfing the web trying to find good prices on a thousand rounds of 9mm ammo (Lucky Gunner still has the best prices), I happened across the Atlantic Firearms website and what did I see?  The UTAS Shotgun for $1200.00!  Amazing!


  1. I've had my eye on the Kel Tec KSG for over a year now. I wonder who copied who,since this is the first I have heard of the UTS-15.

  2. i really don't know but i'm kinda pissed at kel tec. i wanted one of those 22winmag pistols so bad i could taste it and then they couldn't get it to market and the few i could find were WAAAAAY over priced. i just think this is interesting but i'll be sticking to my Mossberg 590


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