Many thanks to Paralus for pointing out this article to me.
Sidenote: I've publicly questioned Feng's motives. He's a constant over at ID, and I've wondered if he was a Chinese sympathizer. I was wrong. Its more like he's simply informing us all of the strides that the Chinese are making in becoming a military as well as economic superpower. Additionally Mike at New Wars caught alot of grief from me when he was writing. I was wrong too. He was into smaller, simpler and more plentiful ships before it was cool. He was right. And we all were so wrong. Let me also add that I'm into small arms and armor. But I will be focusing on China with a bit more gusto now. They're the 800 pound gorilla that's a real threat to the US.
Go to Feng's place to get the full story on these ships....but one thing is obvious. We're playing checker---testing out concepts----while the Chinese are playing chess----opting to product improve what is KNOWN to work.
Things aren't looking good for the home team. We MUST get our shipbuilding plan and designs for smaller combatants going again!