Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is up with these idiot reporters?

I just don't get it. 

Why do these idiot reporters insist on being out in the middle of a storm giving us a blow by blow of heavy rain, high winds etc...

I mean seriously!  We all know that!  This is just another one of those stupid things that modern American loves and I'll never understand.


  1. Tha audience that watches that eats it up, I agree. But I also think alot of it has to do with the weather people. That kind of thing validates their careers. All those years in front of a blue screen repeating the same forecast again and again against being outside in a freaking hurricane!

  2. you do know whats eventually gonna happen right? one of these days one of these reporters will be outside in a hurricane telling everyone to stay inside and they're gonna get killed by flying debris. its gonna happen and it'll be the idiots fault.


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