Saturday, August 25, 2012

When did Laron Landry hulk out?

I remember seeing this guy play at LSU (when we won another Championship...not counting the one we'll win this year) and he was NEVER this big.  I'm not saying he's juicing but damn, he must have added almost 50 pounds of pure muscle in two years!


  1. You really enjoy looking at bulked up men, eh?

  2. hey Serenity.

    one day when i'm standing over your broken body...looking into your tear filled eyes...watching them slowly turning dark....hearing you beg to your God for one more day because you know whats coming....

    i will laugh my ass off.

    fuck you and when your time comes....die like a man.

  3. Sol, don't even bother with it bro.

  4. you're right John but this little punk pisses me off. ignore button on from now on.

  5. Ask anyone who works out. Human muscles don't get that big without juice.

  6. yeah but they could with PERFECT nutrition, rest and exercise. i don't know what the guy has been doing so i won't state flat out that he's juicing but more than likely he is!


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