Friday, September 14, 2012

BREAKING. Camp Leatherneck got hit with a complex attack.

Not many details but Camp Leatherneck got hit with a complex attack involving rocket propelled grenades, mortars and heavy small arms fire.

More details when I get them.

NOTE:  This is a region wide crisis.  We have suffered (as SOFREP said) a type of modern day Tet Offensive.  A withdrawal from Afghanistan under fire will be most difficult.


  1. I am waiting to hear from my daughter, who is stationed there. Any news you can possibly post about the situation would be appreciated. I have not heard from her all day (which is very unusual - I'm sure they are in River City now, but I can't help but want to hear more details.

  2. nothing yet...but they've embargoed e-mails from what i understand. i'm still waiting to hear from my buddies there.

  3. thank you for that, I figured as much.

  4. I too just heard. I have a son who is a fueling specialist at the base. River City seems to be where everyone is at. Even the daugher-in law had to hear from another wife who happened to be talking to her man when the attack came. ANY NEW NEWS it much appreciated!!!!!!!

  5. i got my ear to the ground Sir but either they're still busy or the news embargo is still in place. i know you're anxious especially with loved ones down range but i can promise you once i hear it you will too!

  6. A supposed "Israeli", but really an Egyptian Coptic Christian creates a film insulting Mohammed, financed through what appears to be suspicious sources, then stuff breaks out all over the Middle East. And it just happens to be the week of Sept. 11th?

    Check out this story:

    What if someone with ulterior motives duped this Media for Christ company, giving them tens of thousands of dollars if they produce something for the release during the 11 year anniversary of Sept. 11th?

    Meanwhile, AQ or allied cells get the word to plan to launch attacks the same week.


  7. Hi guys,

    Don’t know what’s been released news wise state-side so I thought I’d let you know what’s been reported over here in the UK by various sources:

    - 2 US Marines have been killed and several other ISAF/NATO personnel have been injured

    - Although the main attack was at the NE side of Bastion/Leatherneck (US side) apparently the Taliban have been using indirect fire to attack the flight line and surrounding structures

    - Apparently aircraft and aircraft shelters have been damaged and at one point it was rumoured that a section of the base wall was breached

    I have to stress that this is still mostly rumours as all we’ve had confirmed out of the MoD is that there was an attack on the base.

    RIP to the fallen marines, and to those of you with friends/family out there now I hope they are safe


  8. i'm gonna let the comment stay Doug but i wanted to give casualty assistance time to contact the families of the fallen. the embargo should be lifted now and Marines should be texting and e-mailing family members now.

    god bless those guys and girls.

    1. Sol,

      Sorry about that mate. I forgot about the time difference (it’s now well into the 15th here) and several us news outlets have stated to report that US personnel had been killed in action so I thought it was a safe bet to post it. By all means you can edit it and remove the first point. Any more news?


    2. ah i think its all good but i like to be careful on stuff like that because the news media in the US are some sanctimonious assholes and generally don't give a damn about military families. the Marines should have or are should be in the process of letting family know they're ok. its solid. no worries. i'm just holding off on identifying units till i'm 100 on family being notified though.

  9. I did receive a quick email from my daughter. She is safe and everyone is remaining very vigilant. She's been up for 32 hours+, but is safe. That's all I will relay for now as I'm not sure how much is too much information.

  10. that is freakinig awesome Ma'am! tell her to stay safe and stay hard! Semper!

  11. Yep, we're definatly winning this war....

    I consider myself a pessimist, but even I'm amazed that there could be any attack on bastion beyond RAM.
    Fighting from Bastion to Tajikstan, with rebelling ANA trying to get in good with the Taliban harrassing us all the way, no air support, disaster.

  12. Is that Tet as I understand it, a few gunfights that were easily overcome by US forces, or Tet as Left wing historians describe a major setback for the US? As we know the true losers during Tet were the VC who were hung out to dry by the North Vietnamese regime; the latter new what would happen to the VC.

    We are heading for the big one. How long before an entire Western embassy's staff is beheaded in front of cameras and the footage distributed world wide via the internet? How long do we appease the supposed fledgling democracies, chide them less severely than a child who has forgot to put out the garbage, and all because some politician with too much "politics", little real world experience, and no sense of history naively believes given a decade or two those supposed democracies will be just like us. They aren't like us. Their extremists practice a religion that makes the Medieval Church look like a reasonable open minded body. It is going to end it tears and blood. I am just glad that this time around I won't know too many of the teenagers going off to fight that well.

  13. emails are up and sporadic to US. Still waiting for this to end.

  14. they're still standing to and patroling against the possibility of follow on attacks. they're rebuilding fortifications and double checking security..i get the impression that the Corps is slightly embarrassed about this incident and the CO wants blood.

    she'll hit you up on email i'm sure, its just where she'll have to sneak a few minutes to get it done...and those minutes will be hard to come by especially if she's in a leadership position taking care of her Marines and getting the job done.

  15. According to ISAF, the 15 attacked got in through the wire and wore US uniforms. They then hit the flight line destroying 6 Harriers, damaging 2 more, blowing up 3 refueling stations, and shooting up anything else. 14 were killed, 1 taken prisoner. 2 USMC were killed and 8 other personal were wounded but should recover.

  16. Thank you all for your help and information during the insurgent attack on 9/14/12 at Camp Bastion. I found all your input and assistance very helpful.


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