Monday, September 10, 2012

Catastrophic failure.

Very rarely do you get a chance to see it but when it does happen its a sight to behold.

A catastrophic failure.

Of the journalistic kind...especially in a focused magazine.

Awesome.  But what this points to is the fact that "Gun Guys" aren't running many of the shops that are catering to those in the gun community. If you don't know what I'm talking about then Google Recoil Magazine and you'll get more hits on this minor controversy then you probably care for.

But this leads to a bigger issue.  Guns are cool for people that have never handled or trained with them now.  Sharks are out to make a profit so silly ideas are being put forward.  Stupid gear is being offered and those that do know better are going along with it instead of yelling bullshit at the top of their lungs.

Even Marine Corps procurement officials have gotten caught up in the nonsense.  Yeah, I'm saying it for the hundredth time but a $50 rifle sling?

BULLSHIT!  But that's what your Marine Corps and mine got talked into buying.


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