First. Congrats to a Marine that is super squared away, lives right, is a moral family man on his being selected for promotion and MARSOC. You deserve everything that's coming your way and I wish you nothing but the best. Unlike some, you don't whine and cry. You make a decision, work your ass off and make things happen. I wish more people were like you.
Second. My biggest fears are coming true when it comes to MARSOC. The Army can support a special operations force. It has the personnel. With the coming drawdown in the Marine Corps you're seeing the conventional forces being cherry picked for the best and brightest...this from an already limited pool of people. The end result will be that Marine Corps conventional forces will only be worthy of conducting humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. USMC conventional forces will soon approach the competency of our reserve forces during the 80's and 90's...and those were part time folks. General Amos, you stupid bastard. I hate you and can't wait till you're gone. You're destroying my Marine Corps.
Second. My biggest fears are coming true when it comes to MARSOC. The Army can support a special operations force. It has the personnel. With the coming drawdown in the Marine Corps you're seeing the conventional forces being cherry picked for the best and brightest...this from an already limited pool of people. The end result will be that Marine Corps conventional forces will only be worthy of conducting humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. USMC conventional forces will soon approach the competency of our reserve forces during the 80's and 90's...and those were part time folks. General Amos, you stupid bastard. I hate you and can't wait till you're gone. You're destroying my Marine Corps.