Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FAST Company has embassy reinforcement mission now?

MSNBC is reporting a FAST Company is going to reinforce the embassy in Libya.


Traditionally the MEU has the reinforcement mission set.  IF a FAST Company is actually deploying then we're seeing the MEU being degraded to support specialty units.  The MEU's MV-22's will likely be "requested" to move them to the area and we will see their deployment pattern altered to support the supporters.


FAST Company deploys ahead of an incident.  If intel indicated that trouble was coming then you'd send in a FAST Team.  Once trouble hits then you need the resources of the MEU.  If not then you're robbing the MEU to support the FAST Team.. not good.


  1. Hour update is right on the money. The meu should be gearing up to go to Egypt.

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we forward deploy FAST teams around the world to respond quickly to exactly these type of situations? Sol aren't they just sending in the quick response security team? Also are they really sending in a company vs a FAST team (platoon)? You might be correct that the doctrine is the FAST isn't a response or reaction force isn't their focus security and counter terror? Why wouldn't a FAST team in this situation not be the proper response vs an infantry platoon?

  3. It's a plt. And its the guys who are currently pulling the rotation in Bahrain if I remember right. And they are perfect for this, why they are around, just should of been pur into play much faster, where they excel at doing this work

  4. Conveniently (for the attackers) As per Orders from POTUS Obama, The MEU is ashore in Egypt training with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood commanders.
    The training was supposed to be with Israel but was cancelled for Egypt instead.
    Better shift gears SNAFU looks like we are now allied with the enemy and are hostile to our own people.

  5. Buddy of mine responded with his FAST Company to one of the Africa Embassy bombings in 1998 as well as when the Embassy in Macedonia was almost overrun in the 2001 time-frame.

  6. wait...i remember the 2001 incident well. we had a FAST Team in Europe at the time and thats why they got that call. if i'm thinking right the resposne to the African embassy bombing was because their were worrys of follow on attacks.

  7. I was a member of the the fast ply that responded to Macedonia in 2001 and you are correct we were there prior to attacks due to proper Intel. with this said, we were also in Africa because of Intel inregards to follow up attacks. Fast company is a platoon size element but the platoons in fast are about the size of most infantry companys in any given battalion.


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