Saturday, September 29, 2012

Futuristic Indonesian Patrol Boat goes up in flames!

NAVY RECOGNITION is reporting that Indonesia's futuristic patrol boat...yeah, the one they just put into service last month.  Went up in flames!  Amazing!  Go to his spot for details.


  1. Whoa. That thing burns. Like REALLY burns. As in Hindenburg airship style! I'm guessing the stealth material was based on composites and resins or similar, so when that thing catches, it just gets going.

    It would be imprudent to speculate until a proper investigation has taken place, but I don't think much of its survivability in combat if the construction material behaves like that.

    Guess it's better to have that happen at the harbour with no casualties, than out at sea in a combat situation...

  2. yeah and that's the problem with all these futuristic concepts. unproven and untested for combat conditions. seriously it seems like someone with a flare gun and a bad attitude could do damage to this thing much less some pirate with an RPG. too bad for the Indonesians but like you said, better in port than out at sea.


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