Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Guarding Camp Hansen


Didn't work at Camp Leatherneck.  Time to get back to basics.  No more focus on social issues.  No more silly follow the Army.

Time to do the Marine thing.  Do the three.  PT, Marksmanship and Small Unit Tactics.  Everything else is bullshit.

Next up?

Where the hell was the Military Police Battalion that is attached to the Wing and tasked with airfield defense?  Where are the "big" publications on the hows and whys of the destruction of this squadron?  You won't find them.  They're too busy writing articles on Women in the Infantry and giving whining Sailors a spot to cry about whether they should re-enlist or not.  Yeah I'm pointing fingers at you USNI Blog.  Pathetic bastards.

No worries.  If they won't do it, I will.  Stand by for fire heading downrange on this issue,  this afternoon.

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