Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It'll damn near bring tears to your eyes...

Thanks for the link DWI!  Much appreciate it.

Some of you might have seen this "photo story" but for me it was new.  I won't spoil it and I won't even attempt to post some of the pics here.  That just wouldn't do it justice. 

Do yourself a favor and go here to see it for yourself.


  1. It's too early in the morning for me to be so pissy eyed. Very touching.

  2. Pure Warrior, and what a amazing wife.

  3. Wow!!! Two amazing warriors! God Bless them both!!!

    Our country is blessed to have such amazing warriors serving our country - for our military families served alongside their loved ones.

  4. yeah. they're both heroes!

    the guy is pure dee champion and his wife ... well words don't do justice. i hope they have a long and wonderful life. God knows they've already been through hell.

  5. One of the foundations to help....


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