Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Its 9/12 all over again.

I didn't post anything about the 9/11 anniversary.  Instead, I chose to read what others wrote.

I was disappointed.

What I saw was a bunch of self important snivelling.  Alot of politically correct, finger in the air "talk" about how we'll never forget.


Its 9/12 all over again.  Our Ambassador in Libya, a country that we recently helped free, is dead.  What do we get from leadership?


Sorrow about the fact that another American citizen died at the hands of radical Muslims.

More words.

No action.

Isn't it time to turn that God forsaken land into glass?  If not that then how about we bomb them back to their level of civilization instead of rebuilding/building their countries?

We're soft as a country and when animals sense weakness they attack.  The rabid dogs have their teeth around our necks...but instead of action we just get more talk.  Yeah.  9/12 all over again and nothings changed.

1 comment :

  1. Libya appears to a be terror attack by Al Qaeda that first organized a demonstration to get the consulate staff in a safe room and then hit the safe room with 20 terrorists. There were no other protests in Libya and the government, unlike that in Egypt which has said nothing, quickly condemned the attack. It doesn't seem to make sense here to blame Libya much less attack them in response. Getting some intell on Al Qaeda in Libya and taking out those guys seems about what we can do.

    If anything we should be far more angry at Egypt who are perfectly capable of protecting our embassy, as is their duty, and chose not to. That flag they flew was an Al Qaeda flag. If they can't bother to take some small portion of the $1.5 billion we give them every year to protect our embassy we should stop giving them aid and pull out our embassy.


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