Thursday, September 13, 2012

Its time to throat stomp the entire fucking region.

Its time to be done with the fucking middle east.

They raped the guy before killing him?  What sadistic, evil bastards.  5.56mm bullets are too good for them...time to turn that region into glass.

Our President will be is a pussy, will be politically correct...will say a bunch of shit that means nothing.  

Oh and Zebra Dunn  I owe you an apology.  You were right.

via The Washington Times.
According to the Lebanese news organization, citing AFP news sources, U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed by gunmen that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday, was reportedly raped before being murdered.

This story went from being tragic to horrific.  I want Libyan blood for doing this.


  1. the death was brutual & reprisals are appropriate against the ring leaders, by delta, seals etc etc.

    but come on raped, come on look at the picture they provide his tighty whites are on & pants are on are these "rapists" so concerned that they put all his undergarments etc back on before the local people rushed him to hospital!! i dont think so.

    The bastards that did this deserve what they get, but to do this you have to keep a level head.

  2. you should be passionate when making love and passionate when killing. why be passionate when killing? because if you aren't then you will doubt what you're doing or hesitate to do what must be done. so yeah. i will take great pleasure in the thought of someone double tapping these bastards and then pissing on their corpse.

  3. solomon, well said, but i still dont think he was raped

  4. maybe you're right but i'm seriously tired of dealing with the middle east. seriously. i hate the people and just want to let them kill each other if that turns them on. they don't like us? awesome. feelings mutual. how about we try, you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone but don't cry to us the next time mother nature kicks your ass with a tsunami or earthquake.

  5. solomon, i think we've had that arguement before, so lets not go there lol!!!

    we interfered, they retaliated, we retaliated etc etc etc, we'll never get out of the region untill we get over our oil dependancy or they run out of the stuff

  6. i'm just talk aboout the US dependence on middle eastern oil now. the EU is on its own but between the oil we have in and around our country, plus the natural gas reserves, plus tthe smarts to make our cars run off natural gas (if our president wasn't a complete idiot), added to nuclear power and trade with Canada...we wouldn't need middle eastern oil.

    we don't need the fuckers. maybe the EU does but if we get selfish and just become concerned about the US and say fuck everyuone else we can do it.

  7. i don't know what the eu position is, but i'm doing my part bought myself an electric bike to commute to work and back sweet

  8. tree hugger. no but seriously. if the western world got tough, it could do away with the need for middle eastern world and then we could let the savages kill each other.

  9. your right, but lpg for cars isn't the answer, we need to get serious about electric cars, solar, wind, nuclear power forget japanese Fukushima disaster, it's the only way to go, imagine a car with a 200 mile range takes 15 minutes to charge, thats what we can do today, what do you think we'll be able todo in 10 to 15 years.

  10. I commute to work ten miles each way on my bike. It's my small part. When we each make a small contribution we can be free of them, but not before then.

  11. hey Brandon. awesome dude. but i bet if we put this shit to a vote the American people would say hell yeah...if paying 4 dollar a gallon gas or even 8 dollar a gallon gas means we don't have to deal with the fuckers then i bet we would all vote yes. plus we can cut down on the number of bases over there, not have to worry about our people being abused by those robe wearing camel fucking ass holes...then yeah. we'd pay that price.

  12. Buddy you don't owe me an apology I ain't always right and wish I wasn't about this event. I recall they raped a Navy pilot during the first gulf war as well as a Tornado pilot that was captured.
    This is Islam, this is the way they act These people won't change because they like to be this way.
    Brandon: I ride a Giant ATX 860 nine year old MTB with reverse knobby for street tires mostly for exercise and fun I do use it when I want to go into town for little things.

  13. Sol I'm glad that someone has the balls to say what should be said. Fuck those bastards. And fuck our leadership for putting us in this position. I'm sure you read the report about Marines who were guarding an embassy (in Egypt maybe) with no ammo in their weapons.

    If their people can get so worked up about a fucking movie, then we should get equally worked up over them killing our people.

    To Hell with those Muslim faggots. You know there is no hope for a culture that covers their women from head to toe but who just LOVE to fuck little boys.

    We should all post videos of us pissing and/or shitting on the God forsaken Koran. No good cunts they are.

  14. oh i did read about the no ammo for our weapons. i couldn't believe that shit. and you're right about the "boy" love they have. they're some twisted motherfuckers and 99% of the American population have no idea how twisted they are.

    its all sunshine and roses and lets get along. i'm to the point where i just don't believe anything anyone in the current administration has to say...including military officials...they've been so politicized that they can't be considered military men anymore.

  15. It's go back to the Danish cartoons and even earlier back to the "Satanic Verses". The essential problem is there are millions of people who are looking to be offended. The West needed to drill home the point during the Danish cartoons that you have every right to be offended but no such right not to be offended by people living in a foreign land whose free speech is protected by those nations laws. You don't like a cartoon, book or move then don't read or watch it.

    Basically we're dealing with infantile people who believe there should be an international law against offending Islam. The West should state clearly that we are quite certain someone is insulting your nation and your religion every single day and that they have a protected right to do so and it's up to you how you want to deal with that; however, if you choose violence as your response there will be consequences.

    It'll be worse after Friday prayers tomorrow. Egypt is the one that concerns me. Libya condemned the attack right away and already made an arrest. Libya is generally pro US while Egypt is possibly the most anti American nation in the Middle East. Obama actually got it right today when he said Egypt was no ally of the US, even though they still are as a matter of law.

    As an aside the whole homosexual nature of the Arab world is a direct result of "protecting" women by limiting their interaction, covering them up, and basically treating them like indoor slaves. Saudi Arabia is probably the most gay nation on earth and certainly one with the most men in the closet. Beside the productivity of a nation being destroyed when women are not treated equally, much less treated as slaves, it also directly prevents the creation of a modern civil society.

    Lincoln once said if look for the bad in people you'll find it. If a significant portion of the Muslim world chooses to be offended by something in the West they can find such offense on a daily basis. When you live in a 7th century mentality where you're willing to kill because someone has insulted your religious beliefs then the Western response can't be yes you have a point in being offended. The proper response should be get over it, you people write worse about everyone else in the world on a daily basis and frankly we don't care what you think, feel, or believe.

    If we can kill those responsible great. If we can change the economy of the world to get off oil great. It's an illusion we can totally disengage from these people however. They have and will attack us in the West. If we can't teach them tolerance and civility we need to work on teaching them fear which is problematic with their whole martyr culture. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan are more enemy than ally and we need to stop thinking being their friend will someone moderate their spreading extremism when it in fact encourages it.

  16. i agree with everything you wrote except the part where you say that we can't disengage from them. oh yes we can. the US can at least. if we take our oil off the global market. if we push hard to get every ounce of it we can out of the ground here. forge stronger ties with Canada and Mexico when it comes to the oil that they produce (and maybe Brazil)...make all government vehicles and as many commercial trucks switch to natural gas and push super hard on nuclear energy then we could be done with the middle east inside of 5 years i'm sure. it might hurt but the economy would go into over drive, our security strengthened and we wouldn't have to worry about some crazy ass muslims throwing temper tantrums and killing our people.

    one other thing.

    i'm tired of measured responses. supposedly terror bases are in a town called Derna. how about a B-52 strike. not a fancy one with cruise missiles but an old fashion carpet bombing run. we haven't flexed real deal, don't fuck with me or i'll kill you, your momma, daddy, sister brother kind of power in decades.

    its time to educate the world about what happens when you fuck with the US. we won't because we're pussy but it would be nice if we did.

  17. The problem with taking out a village, even if everyone over 16 is guilty, is your still killing innocent children and probably others as well. As a nation I'm willing to live with that to protect our own but long term the reaction we tend to get is to create more extremism by killing innocents. So to the degree possible I'd rather see us do targeted killing. The culture we're in conflict with actually feeds off our violent responses. We should be targeting the leaders, including religious leaders, who encourage the violence.

    I also disagree we haven't send some powerful signals. We took out two regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq in direct response to 9/11 in an attempt to say look what happens when you screw with us. I'd argue that deterred various nations (Libya giving up their nuclear program as an example) but it only made some individuals even more energized. It's these idiots we can never kill enough of to matter.

    The US doesn't really get any oil from the Mid East. Even if we got off oil the rest of the world economy would still depend on it and thus what happened to the price of oil will still affect the world and our economy. We should get off oil for any number of reasons; however, we're still going to have a totally backward and culturally retarded Arab World for decades to come and it's going to keep affecting us.

  18. Lane!

    we took out two regimes and now we're going broke rebuilding their countries to a level that never existed for them before. you say that they feed off our violence? i say when have we been overwhelmingly violent and then left. i mean really? no boots on the ground just tell the Air Force and Naval Air to bomb them back into submission and then leave! also this touchy feely defense posture is losing us credibility around the world. if i was in charge of a nation, i would appoint my rivals to a position of power and then commit an atrocity and work with the US to overthrow them and take over...sorta like the Muslim Brotherhood did in Egypt.

    the Templer Knights had the right idea. the old testament had the right idea. an eye for an eye. and before you take pleasure in Libya arresting a few people understand that it means nothing. Libya is dealing out justice, not our WEAK, PATHETIC, FEMININE administration. its sad to see that the person with the biggest balls in this administration is a woman Sec of State.

  19. I tend to agree we should not have stayed in either nation and that our poor handling post initial conflict was extremely poor policy.

    We've got FBI in Libya helping them go after them and are doing recon and I'm certain if we find a target we can't attempt to arrest that we'll take them out ourselves. It's a terror attack in a foreign nation. If someone in the US attacked a foreign embassy or important foreign national we wouldn't tolerate for a moment anyone interfering with our law enforcement and at best we let them feel good with a liaison.

  20. I don't think it's the President who is the idiot, (or at least not the only idiot), preventing us from converting cars to natural gas. The GOP and most of the Dems are too beholden to Big Oil donations.

    We could be building a new electric grid to plug every community into solar thermal plants, wind farms and natural gas power plants with American materials and American labor, but the GOP doesn't like 'goobermint programs' and the Dem have no backbone i.e. No brains vs No Guts.

    We've borrowed and spent trillions of dollars on OEF and OIF. What if we had invested in a new electrical grid or in converting cars/trucks from gasoline to natural gas instead? We could have employed millions of Americans, achieved energy independence and then watched as the Middle-East went bankrupt and descended into anarchy.

    We'll never know as long as our politicians sell themselves to the highest bidder.


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