Thursday, September 13, 2012

Leadership at its worse.

Major Hat to CDR Salamander.
This is not the position of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to engage with a civilian INCONUS.

Full stop.

General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke with Pastor Terry Jones by phone on Wednesday and asked him to withdraw his support for a film whose portrayal of the Prophet Mohammad has sparked violent protests - including one that ended with the death of America's envoy to Libya. "In the brief call, Gen. Dempsey expressed his concerns over the nature of the film, the tensions it will inflame and the violence it will cause," Dempsey's spokesman, Colonel Dave Lapan, told Reuters.
Do we really want active duty officers to encourage citizens to surrender or withdraw their Constitutional rights because foreign nationals (who are our enemy) don't like them?

Is that in the spirit of "... support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic?"

I have no use for Terry Jones - but having an Army General, in his official capacity, in uniform, pressuring a tax payer to surrender Constitutional rights, is not a nation I think I live in.

General Dempsey, General Casey (5-min mark) needs a bowling partner, give him a call.
Marines are indoctrinated to follow orders.


Without hesitation.

Mission accomplishment.

But its time to sit back and take a serious look at the people sitting in the big chairs of Joint Chiefs of Staff.

We're seeing the worst military leadership of the past 100 years.  These guys have no moral compass, no backbone and definitely no military bearing.  Unfortunately that also flows to their Senior Enlisted advisers.

How a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would find it within his realm of responsibility to CALL a private citizen and tell him to stop an activity that is PROTECTED by the constitution is beyond me, but if it isn't a crime it should be.  If it was an ORDER then it was an ILLEGAL order.

The US Military can't win wars at this time because leadership is so screwed up.


  1. General Lose-A-War is on the wrong side now, he is supporting the enemy.
    I believe the word is "TRAITOR" and there are lots of them in this administrations military.
    I am beginning to see the military is not on America's side either.
    How does it feel to cozy up to the animals that have been killing us?
    General Lose-A-War needs to understand that civilian film maker is HIS Boss not vice versus.

  2. Scuttlebutt is The Libyans raped the Ambassador and more in the six hours they had him before he died reportedly by strangling possibly while being raped in the mouth.
    Hows the General feel about that shit?s

    1. where are you getting that from? i haven't heard that rumor and my ear has been to the ground on this issue.

    2. It came off some arab news report out of the region it's broadcasted to everyone in Muslim lands.

  3. Thanks for calling General. You are of course aware that I have a right to offend other people and that you're calling to ask me to restrict my speech is inherently offensive to me? In fact my personal religion worships the First Amendment and I consider my rights on this matter sacred. So be aware you have deeply offended my sacred beliefs that generations of Americans have fought and died to protect. However, this doesn't mean I'm going to react to your offense with violence because that would be wrong and infringe upon your rights to state your opinion, however offensive. Again thanks for calling.


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