Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Libya, FAST Company and the Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).

 We're seeing something of a type of mission creep for FAST Company if they're now doing the Embassy Reinforcement mission.  A quick wiki passage sums up the mission set nicely...
The Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) is capable of rapidly deploying to immediately improve security at United States Government installations worldwide. FAST Marines are deployed at the discretion of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps when the primary and auxiliary security forces of the Marines are unable to adequately respond to a security crisis. FAST goes through the Close Quarters Battle School in a specialized course known as Advanced Urban Combat. Once completed, they are given the MOS of 8154.
Established in 1987, FAST companies provide a limited-duration, expeditionary security force to protect vital naval and national assets. FAST maintains forward-deployed platoons at various naval commands around the globe, and possesses U.S.-based alert forces capable of rapidly responding to unforeseen contingencies worldwide. Each FAST company is equipped and trains with some of the most state-of-the-art weaponry and currently consists of around 500 Marines.
FAST maintains a high degree of readiness in order to conduct these short-notice, limited-duration contingency operations, as seen in the port security mission following the attacks on the USS Cole (DDG-67) in October 2000 and the American Embassy reinforcements in Liberia and Haiti. On 12 September 2012 a FAST team was sent to Libya in response to the 2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks.[3]
FAST Company responds before an incident in order to deter threats.

I'll say it since no one else will.

1.  We either suffered a tremendous intel failure or...
2.  The Ambassador misread the situation and thought that relationships that he had established in Libya would protect him AND the people that he was responsible for.

But back to the subject at hand.  FAST is appropriate for Egypt.  FAST is appropriate for Kabul.  FAST is not appropriate for Libya.


Because situations can rapidly spiral out of hand.  IF.  I repeat IF, the time comes to evacuate US and allied civilians from that country then a FAST Company does not have the resources to do it.  After an attack on an Embassy proper worst case planning would require that the threat of follow on attacks would be high.  By deploying the capable but equipment poor (as in helicopters, vehicles and supporting ships off the coast) FAST Team you're limiting your options.

Finally, it must be asked.  If Embassy reinforcement is no longer an MEU mission then what is their new mission set?  Is it to be only Humanitarian Assistance?  I hope not and I hope that the Marine Corps isn't snatching another mission from the MEU.  Its our most capable formation...the most forward deployed formation...and the most useful formation that the Marine Corps fields.

One other possibility exists for why the FAST Company is being tasked with this duty and not the MEU.  The MEU operates as Theater Reserve.  IF intel is indicating some type of uptick in violence in Afghanistan then everything I've just written gets thrown out the window.  That's the problem with operating from outside looking in.  You just don't have all the info necessary to make more than educated guesses.


  1. First of all I am NOT anti US at all, but lets face it "black ops" and the "dirty stuff" governments do is undeniable thing.And I am not going to go in the reasons of Gaddafi liquidation because of the idea of foundation of the African Monetary Union based on the diamonds and gold that would collapse the world´s stock markets existing on virtual (non-existing) money, but I am going to make an assumption on the operation undertaken because of the findings of Gaddafi´s archives by Human Rights Watch. It seems the archives link the former dictator with the CIA (the whole story can be read here: finally rises my question IS THIS WHY THEY'VE SENT THE F.A.S.T. COMPANY AND NOT THE M.E.U? Is the reason their specific training in hunting down the terrorists hidden in urban areas and not the sheer firepower of MEU teams protecting the specific areas like all good Marines?Do they want do get rid of potential witnesses of collaboration?
    Like said earlier this is just my free speculation of the events following one another and I hope I will at least sparkle a hot debate. Thank you all.

  2. The MEU is in Egypt training the Egyptian army how to kill Israeli's.

  3. The Embassy Guards at the Embassy/Consulate were unarmed, the Embassy Chief chose to trust the Egyptian security men to protect the people and buildings.
    So No Marine Guard had any ammo to fight with. Their weapons if they had any were empty.
    I would be willing to bet that FAST 50 is sans ammo also.
    her Name is Anne Patterson and she was in DC at the time of the attack.

  4. Which methons do you choose to look for data for your future articles and which particular search networks do you mostly use?


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