Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Man up Marine Corps!

My readers will probably disagree with me on this one but I gotta go anyway.

Its time for the Marine Corps to man up!

The Brits have released their version of the action and now its time for the Marine Corps to do the same.  Give us the good, the bad and the ugly.  That's what great organizations do.  They look the public and their members in the eye and give the unvarnished truth

Unfortunately, the Marine Corps has been tight lipped, the big Defense Media is no where to be found and they're content with ignoring my e-mails.

Well enough.  This incident is too serious to ignore and the ramifications too broad to be buried.

Yeah.  The Marine Corps needs to man up and give us the after action on this battle.


  1. Hum... I agree with your intent, but it might well be that someone over the USMC has closed the lid tight.

    Take care.


  2. who would that be? the president? why would he? he wants the military out of that country asap. if he's worried about bad publicity no worries, the media is ignoring the story or doesn't understand how big it is...if he's worried about the public connecting the dots and figuring out that the US got hit across two continents on the anniversary of 9/11 then again. no worries. people are too into whatever it is they're into to be worried about the war.

  3. I don't think the president would see it your way. Right now there's about two percent of the population he cares about: exact-center moderates that vote. And moderates don't generally tolerate a commander in chief that doesn't demand preparedness and tolerates weakness. If, as you have suggested, a lower than acceptable level of preparedness precipitated the infiltration, then that's the last thing he wants aired out. Meanwhile, the other candidate is taking the headlines exactly where the president wants them with gaff after elitist gaff.

  4. POTUS has spoken The CMC has Shut up and sat down. The Marine's ain't gonna do a SEAL team 6 and we will never know what went down.
    I believe, The Guard for the base was Afgani newly trained by the Army (Army uniforms on the sappers right?) The ready reaction force was also of the same Afgani's These cross overs went about the standard guard mount and went out and started setting charges. A hit team either went for the Co or called the Co to the flight line or the Co saw something and went to check it out. If not a hit team then it was the sapper's own security.
    POTUS and his State Department believed in the Afgani's sincerity of peace and love and got sucked into a 911 anniversary attack something George Bush never did.
    Since 2009 The war we were almost winning turned into a massive democrat goat screw, Their liberal, pro-Islam ideology got in the way of rational, logical thought and POTUS inc. never put any stock in what the Military said, nor allies, The Obama admin believed the Muslims first and did not believe anyone else with a different view.
    POTUS true to his word stood with Islam and American Troops died and American air power was destroyed.


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