Friday, September 14, 2012

MARSOC seeks interoperability with Conventional Marine Forces?

Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha H. Arrington

A Marine with 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Corps Special Operations Command from Camp Lejeune, N.C., jumps from a Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 252 KC-130J Hercules, above Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field Bogue, N.C., Sept. 12. The Marines conducted free-fall and static air-born sustainment training as part of routine quarterly training. "We are always seeking opportunities for interoperability between MARSOC and conventional Marine Corps units," said a MARSOC captain. "This is a great way to do that."
 I don't quite get this.  I thought that the whole point of MARSOC was to establish an independent Special Operations Force of Marines.  Why they want to reach back and operate with the conventional force of Marines is beyond me...especially when they yank personnel whenever needed to their Support Battalions.

I suspect that we're seeing part of a campaign by Marine Special Operations to get portions of Marine Air under its umbrella.

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