Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meanwhile...we're all looking at the Middle East and we have this from the Chinese....

photos from Alert 5....

The Chinese have absolutely no shame.  Its a copy...almost a direct copy.

But wait.  It gets better.  "Why the F-35 Blog" takes on the boys at Boeing who have obviously been smoking crack.  Go to his site to read the whole thing but check this part out....
In a clear signal to F-18 supporters in the Navy, Chadwick added this barb: "With the F-35 continuing to have technical difficulties and to continue slipping to the right, they have to make sure they have the right capability for the men and women who go in harms way."

The bubba from Boeing actually said that.  Piss poor timing on his part though.  I'm sure he had no idea the Chinese would reveal a SECOND stealth fighter under development.

Its beyond obvious.  China is our peer competitor and they're gearing up for a fight.  I like the F/A-18 but its yesterdays technology and will be easily outclassed by threat weapons.

We must keep pace.  We need the F-35.

Elements of Power blog gives a good primer and deconstructs the myths of the easily developed, flawless F/A-18 and compares it to the F-35's overblown issues.