Friday, September 14, 2012

Not only a well planned attack but it was prepped with a psy-ops campaign that's won the day.

The terrorist that killed the Ambassador were good.

Real good.  As in A-Team, had to have help from a foreign power good.

Why do I say that?

Because I've been watching the news with one eye this morning and although even the extremely left leaning Rachel Maddow stated on her program that the movie played no role in the attack on the Ambassador, the news media has bought it hook line and sinker.

Additionally, it appears to my untrained eye that someone searched YouTube in order to find offensive material and then coordinated across several countries to get Islamic leaders to express outrage.

Don't believe me.  Check out the timeline of events for yourself.  Watch Al Jazeera and note that they state that in Libya there wasn't even a protest.

Then watch American particular MSNBC news and watch them apologize give the mobs an excuse for their violence.

I can only think that we're seeing a well laid out psy-ops campaign, coupled with a well planned/coordinated attack, mixed with a flawed/wishful thinking Middle East strategy all coming to a head.

Long story short.  We have idealist/dreamers dictating strategy.  We're screwed.


  1. We been screwed before and lived through it, We will live through this too.
    A Carter can lead to a Reagan and an Obama can lead to a Ryan.
    The event was very well organized and may have even had the help of the Main Stream America based Media.

  2. No. That's not accurate. The first wave was unorganized, but big enough to not be stopped as they breached (which makes me wonder where in the fuck the Marines were and why they didn't defend the damn place like it was Rules of Engagement all over again). That wave is what killed the ambassador. Here's a photo of him as he was being dragged to an aid station before his death: - This looks a lot like any typical mob beating by the look of his face. Looks like he was strung up for a time by the bruises on his neck, as well. That also proves he wasn't killed by an RPG, as was reported on at first.

    Now, the second wave is the one that's interesting. As a Libyan security force commander said; the mortar strikes that killed the two former SEALs was not like that of insurgents from Iraq or A-stan. They were coordinated militia strikes. He was one of the men on the ground. And that second attack, the ambush, was definitely planned. They knew the safe-house and everything. That's what's fucked about it all. The Libyans have internal OPSEC issues or they hacked COMMs.

  3. Will. they were at the consulate. Marines were not assigned there. supposedly the Libyan security detachment left at the first instance of trouble. the real question you want to ask is where was Diplomatic security. the real question you should ask is why the Ambassador was traveling with only two armed men. i'm not at all trusting of anything any Libyan has to say on this issue.

    but long story short it was a fight between two SEALs vs a platoon or larger attackers. they didn't stand a chance.

  4. Ah, gotcha. Clusterfuck all around. My question now is why aren't Marines attached to them.

    I will say this though. I was fucking pissed about all this. As in; "The Head Shed always wonders why we have nuclear weapons. I have their fucking answer" pissed off. But, then I took a step back and looked at it. The ambassador, moreover, and how many years he spent in that shithole they call a country, helping them out. Hell, long enough to see Ghaddafi get thrown out and have a new era be ushered in.

    He wouldn't want us to be pissed at ALL of them over there because of what a few men did. The same way us gun people don't like to be thrown in with one gunman who shoots up a whole theater full of people. Would he want us to undo all his work by glassing a country's city, or the country itself? No. It's going to be the same for somebody else in one of those other countries. So, I think we need to be more tactful about our word usage and how we want to go about violently slaughtering the perps who actually did do the attacks. Because, by all means, they deserve to die.

    But, anyway, I've said my piece. Apparently three people are dead in Tunisia after our compounds were breached there. Need to dig on that.


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