Saturday, September 15, 2012

Politics or Security?

Lets see....

Terrorist assault and kill our personnel in Libya....

Our embassys are under assault include friendly nations like Australia and the UK....

Bomb threats were called into two universities in the US.....

And yet we have no terror alert?  No stand to orders given to the Dept of Homeland Security?  No raised concerns about the possibility of terrorist activity here in the states?

Its inexplicable to think that the department doesn't have any concerns.  It boggles the mind that they haven't raised the threat index.

RUMOR CONTROL SAYS THAT DHS IS ON ALERT!  But the public is kept in the dark.  As much as the media likes to bang on the Bush administration, although they wouldn't give out details of the threat they at least informed the public OF a threat.

Yeah.  We're seeing politics trump the security of the American people.


  1. i am sure natinoal security assets are stood up but whats the point of raised terror alerts? a professor who studies trauma and resilience said after 9/11 everyone who studies trauma not to do teh coded alert system to the government because it has no benefits and needlessly scares people, and i agree with him, also the protests are external now, so no need to scare people when ordinary citizens know to be vigilant, dont need to be told but also dont need to be scared for no reason.

  2. sorry Joe but i am amazed at people that refuse to be informed of dangers. just because you're blind, silly and unaware doesn't mean that dangers don't exist. that's the difference between those that have been through fire and those that haven't. the uninformed and unaware choose to be that way...they like it that way and they would rather depend on another person to protect them.

    THEY CHOSE TO RELY ON ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL TO KEEP THEM SAFE! how a MAN can refuse to look at the world as it is and would rather be lulled into a false sense of security confuses and amazes me.

    you're asking to be treated like a child. you're asking the governement NOT to inform you of danger or security issues. I JUST CANNOT AGREE WITH THAT THINKING.

  3. Why would the MSM make Sparky look bad? After all he is a fellow comrade. But in all seriousness its only been a matter of time before we see a terror campaign throughout the U.S..

  4. yeah and when it does come the Muslim world better hold on. Mothers of America are running things now..let attacks happen in the'll be katey bar the door. Fathers of America will be punching walls wanting to fuck something up!

  5. Joe's gotta point, Sol.

    Most American's can't name all 50 states, 37% of American's can't find America on a map of America, 43% don't know what the Electoral College is and Michelle Bachman thought Lexington and Concord were in New Hampshire.

    The intelligent people who keep up on current events already know to keep their eyes open for weird things or prepare to execute SHTF plans.

    The willingly uninformed aren't any more likely to seek out knowledge now than they were before the attacks. Nor would these sheeple know what to do during terrorist warnings. They are far likely to act like panicky lemmings than responsible, concerned citizens.

    So, really, what good would a threat level orange rating do? Some of those panicky dopes might trigger a run on ammo or canned goods.


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