Thursday, September 13, 2012

Real vs. Fake? Real wins everytime.

We have real live pack animals.  Why the synthetic version?  Waste of money...what a waste of money.


  1. Pros of having a bot
    1. Will not bolt, bleed, tire
    2. Bot carries more.
    3. Can be programmed to follow a route.
    4. Can be ordered to go from point "a" to point "b" without the need of someone to lead it.
    5. Bot can be made bulletproof.
    6. Bot does not need a dedicated fuel source (food).

    1. Development funds
    2. Procurement funds
    3. Mules are faster now (if you can get them to move in the right direction ;) )

  2. and you forgot the biggest issue. bots need fuel. either that's going to cut down on how much they can carry or you're adding another item that needs to be supplied in the field.

  3. Fuel is all over the battlefield and will not be much of an issue if done right - ie a hydrocarbon based fuelcell.

    Gas/Diesel/Alcohol will be a lot easier to get than hay/feed/water/etc.

  4. It's so damn noisy. A total ambush magnet.

  5. As opposed to a real mule crying "he haw, he haw" and running out from cover.

  6. A mule can carry about 20% of its weight, about 200 pounds. If it has to carry some of its water, that means less cargo. This LS3 can carry about twice that.

    Fodder is another story, unless you want Marines to spend time grazing them. Half the tonnage of supplies for the Germans in Russia during WW2 was fodder for the draft animals.

    If we suddenly need 5,000 or so, we would have to wait at least 2 years unless we want to piss off the Amish by drafting their draft mules.

    Mule exhaust is an issue. I've hiked the Cascade Crest Trail where animals are allowed and there can be some unpleasant patrol bases.

    OTOH, the noise of this thing is a huge issue, though the LS3 is somewhat quieter than earlier efforts. IR signature is another worry, since it must have some significant hot spots.

    I think the main thing it has going for it is it can be autonomous like the K-MAX.

  7. 20+ lbs of Fodder & oats each day, gallons of water each day, shelter, rest, veterinarians, handlers, horse-shoers.

    Plus, mules can be killed, wounded or frightened to be prevented from reaching their destination. The bot is at least autonomous.

    I don't, however, see a bot like this going out on a foot patrol. Maybe it could be used by medics to retrieve wounded soldiers or schlep weapons/ammo/food/water to units that are pinned down, but not much else.

  8. We have low-skilled people who can put widgets together but industrial robots kick their asses all day long.

  9. Re noise:'s a fucking TEST article. They could give a damn how much noise it makes right now as that's not the purpose of the vehicle.


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