Saturday, September 15, 2012

The obvious if annoying truth. AQ conducted a psy-ops and co-ordinated attack across two continents.

I'll be brief.

Its obvious although the intelligence agencies won't admit it (I'm going to tread gently on them because I'm POSITIVE that political considerations are now clouding matters of national security).

The US and its allies suffered a "mini" 9/11 on the anniversary of the original attacks.  In essence AQ conducted  a coordinated attack across two continents at two locations.  The attack against the Ambassador and the attack against Camp Leatherneck are OBVIOUSLY connected.  Additionally just like they did with the original attack (when they killed the Northern Alliance leader before they struck on 9/11) they launched spoiling and diversionary stunts by coordinating with Islamic Clerics to stir the peoples in countries throughout the region to riot in the street.

I'm not sure if they were seeking to divert attention, destabilize weak governments or to incite another Arab "Fall" but the results are obvious.

The United States Marine Corps and Navy are now facing an operational Ops Tempo that is almost unsustainable.  Deployment schedules will have to be altered in order to meet all the requirements for ships and Marines.  Many of our brother and sister Marines will probably be spending an unexpected Christmas away from home.

Most concerning should be the thought that...
1.  Intelligence did not pick up on chatter that an attack was coming.
2.  They did pick up on it, leadership was informed and chose to maintain the image of status quo for political considerations.
But for the first time since the original 9/11 attacks the enemy is inside OUR decision making loop.


  1. The incidents could also be merely coincidental. Fighters in Afghanistan are surely aware of the attack in Libya and the protests at US, UK and GE embassies and they could have simply chosen to capitalize on that. While I do believe these protests are being fueled by some instigators, I don’t think they are designed to be diversionary; although looking at everything bird eye view it could appear to all be connected. (Also coincidental are the bomb threats called in to college campuses in Fargo, ND and Austin, TX.) AQ and their franchises will surely capitalize on all the ruckus, but that doesn’t mean they are responsible.

  2. failure to connect the dots has led to some of the biggest tragedies that our nation has ever faced. isn't it better to look for connection and then disprove them rather than ignore the possibility all together.

    i mean seriously. when the northerrn alliance leader was killed it was initially viewed as simply a battelfield occurance. only later did our intelligence services recognize it for what it was. the opening round in the assault on the west. lets not be late this time.

  3. I think it could all be apart of a master plan: attacks in Afghanistan coupled with the embassy attacks. But I do not think there is a grand strategy here behind the attacks. Surely AQ would like to stir things up (since they were marginalized in the Arab Spring initially) and will take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. But I've never had the sense there is a clear A -> B -> C line of thinking in AQ's planning, short term goals leading to mid term goals leading to long term goals.

  4. It Just went hot. That's the key words.
    A friend who is close to the DHS said it was on alert.
    It appears like a strategic/Tactical win but arabs do these things half assed, like the Yom Kippur war, momentary success leads celebration and to abject defeat and failure. Any military or terrorist action even one that fails yet the Umah remain intact and survive is counted as a victory by Islam only total defeat and destruction of the religion itself will mean victory for non Islam. All this did was wake up more people to the threat of Islam.
    Hardened hearts once sympathetic shown former fools the error of their ways.
    It also made the trip down the road to war that much faster and easier.
    That war will be more brutal than any yet seen by Islam who by and large do not even believe or know about the horrors of world war two.
    The Obama administration got sucker punched by folks it considered it's dear, dear friends because those friends said they were but were not.


  5. thank you Zebra Dunn! these fuckers just punched the administration in the face and we have a bunch of apologist refusing to see the truth.

    the news media is ignoring the fact that on the anniversary of 9/11 we had another one! geez. the sheeple will be the death of us all.


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