Sunday, September 09, 2012

Think Defence on the containerized missile threat.

"Our systems are programmed to recognise the distinctive shapes and signatures.

Put them inside the ubiqutous ISO container however, and things get complicated.

In a crowded, complex, congested and contested area of operations how would we first identify one of these?"

--Think Defence on the threat posed by containerized missiles.


  1. Holy crap, Harpoonski is containerized, too! Kudos to Think Defence for the article. Man, that makes it even more scary.

    According to the US Customs and Border Patrol, 7 million containers are offloaded in US ports each year.

    AND Think Defence's article about our target detection being foiled by decoys AND containers is another great point. Think how many different weapons can be hidden in containers? SAMs, N-LOS type weapons, MLRS.

    We could think we've wiped out a country's defenses, launch attacks and receive a rude surprise.

    Of course, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. We could do exactly the same thing for our weapons systems. We have a fleet of FMTV's that could be trucking containerized weapons systems as well.

    Is that a truck convoy carrying cargo or a bunch of containerized ATACMs?

    Is that a trainload of containers in Central Poland or an erectable VLS for SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles?



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