Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We're probably looking at an "enhanced" AAV.

I just re-read the story by National Defense Magazine and this stood out...
An analysis of alternatives has been completed comparing six capability sets ranging from an enhanced AAV to the requirements originally sought under Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, Pacheco said.

The study was completed in June and is being analyzed with a fine-toothed comb to ensure the proposal is accepted by Congress and that industry can deliver the right vehicle affordably, Amos said.

“This is not a Cadillac Escalade we’re trying to build here,” Amos said. “This is a fighting vehicle that will come from ship to shore and go inland with likely a squad of Marines. We want to make sure we’re not trying to build something with capabilities that we either don’t need or can’t afford. From my perspective, we’ve got one opportunity to do this right.”

No date has been set, but the Marine Corps will release a request for proposals to industry some time in the fall.
Capability sets ranging from an "enhanced" AAV to the original EFV capability set.

"This is NOT a Cadillac Escalade we're trying to build here..."

"...we're not trying to build something with capabilities that we either don't need or can't afford."

He might as well come out and say it.  We're looking at an Enhanced/Upgraded AAV.   BAE has already shown us the future.  Check it out below.

I can see the spin coming from HQMC about this upgrade.

The enhanced AAV-12 continues a long line of Marine Corps amphibious vehicles.  Although it superficially resembles the legacy vehicles its new in every way.  From an upgraded engine, to a superb suspension system, blast resistant armor and seats to a dramatically improved weapon system, this is not your fathers AAV.

Yeah.  That's how they're gonna play it.


  1. That's what they do sometimes. The Super Hornet isn't an F/A-18 any more than the B-52 is a B-47. Or an XF8U-3 Crusader is an F-8. Or a CH-53K is a CH-53. Very different beasts in all cases. Then sometimes you get it the other way. The F-5G becomes the F-20 because Northrop wanted it to seem more modern. Politicians are stupid. Want a new fighter but know that the pols will stroke out if you suggest it? Call it an F/A-18 "Super" Hornet. It's not a "new" fighter it's just the next mod of the existing F/A-18C/D Hornet. Yeah right.

  2. The community just wants something to keep them competitive. They want the ability to fight tommorows fight instead of hoping they can last long enough for something in 10 years. There is so much frustration on the ramp, no ssgt promotions for the whole community(lots of seasoned, great gators being let go because they can't be promoted), reduction of the two active bns (good part of that is the tracktors in those company's can be raided for badly needed parts) and just a straight shit budget.

    A lot of people complain about their job, but amtrackers have always been and will remain the redheaded stepchild of the corps. Forgotten about and simply ignored, but expected to be there and perform when shit hits the fan. And they always have from tarawa, to the palm groves in Iraq, to being provisional infantry in Afghanistan. But I dont know if they will be able to continue that in the near future with out a little love....just a hug dad...all they ask for from time to time

  3. Hey Sol do you think the potential merger of BaE with EADS will have any impact on the AAV or any of its future variations.

    I think if BaE goes through with this merger the Pentagon will kindly show them the door. It was one thing when they were British but now they may just be France and Germany's puppet. I'm not sure I would be comfortable with letting the Euros design or know so much about our defense capabilities. Anyway, what do you think?

    1. No, I don't think they'll be shown the door. The proposal is BAE and EADS would remain separate but coming underneath an umbrella corporation. Operations are intended to remain ring-fenced for national security purposes.

  4. What's the feeling about the capability and cost-point of the enhanced AAV-12?

    Would you be happy with it?

    (Missed the build-up articles while away).

    1. if they get BAE to do it...BAE has probably the best design house in the world when it comes to armored vehicles...and if they give them enough money to do it right, then i'd be very pleased with a MASSIVELY upgraded AAV.

      if they piss money on studies and not on the vehicle...if they decide to go cheap on the upgrade...then i'll be less happy.

  5. I recall riding in the old LVPT 5 which was no way to ride into battle, fuel tanks in the floor it was safer to ride outside and on top. The LVTP 7 was new then and a much better ride, not perfect but better, off the back ramp of the LPD that beast felt like it was gonna go straight down to Davy Jones locker!
    Who would have thought the vehicle leaked sea water on you while not sinking?


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