Saturday, September 15, 2012

Worse than we thought. The attack on Camp Leatherneck...

A reader named "me" reports the following...
According to ISAF, the 15 attacked got in through the wire and wore US uniforms. They then hit the flight line destroying 6 Harriers, damaging 2 more, blowing up 3 refueling stations, and shooting up anything else. 14 were killed, 1 taken prisoner. 2 USMC were killed and 8 other personal were wounded but should recover.

Fucking wow.

If this is confirmed then the terrorist just kicked the shit out of my beloved Corps.

6 Harriers lost?!

2 Harriers damaged?!

Untold other damage?!

Someone is going to lose his command....and a Marine Rifle Company (Rein) will probably be assigned to augment security.

It just occurred to me.  If this is true then the terrorist have succeeded in affecting how Marine Air Support will be delivered.  A replacement Squadron is going to have to come from somewhere but where?  The MEU's need their Harriers.  That means they're coming from a stateside unit...NAVAIR is going to be busy refurbing those British Harriers for Marine Corps service...that might have been the best buy this decade.


  1. Holy Shit that's crazy. It's time for us to either shit or get off the pot. We need to kick every dune coon out of all of our bases and then drop the fucking hammer big time!

    19 motherfuckers did all of this damage; That's a commmand/policy problem. Our guys are busting their balls over there while the people in charge REPEATEDLY put them in terrible situations. So so frustrating.

    P.S. Thank you for keeping us updated. I know where to come when I need the un-sanitized version of the story.

  2. Your sidenote is dead on the money too. Good thing (I guess) the British leadership is even more fucked up than ours and basically gave us their Harriers. Otherwise we'd be shit outta luck. Not like the ole Harrier assembly line is still rolling.

    1. well the crazy thing is that the Marine Corps just lost more aircraft in one attack than they have in any other battle since vietnam i think...i'm gonna have to look this up.

  3. i appreciate it...but its just the network kicking in. Marines --- past, present and future all working together to stay informed....but you're right....COMMAND IS THE PROBLEM! POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS GONNA GET MORE OF OUR PEOPLE KILLED!

    i hope whoever was in command is forced to resign.

    1. I'm sure they'll skate and all this will be pinned on some poor grunt, that's how it usually works.


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