Monday, October 22, 2012

A chilling video.

If this vid doesn't chill your blood then nothing will...


  1. Chilling except for one thing -- they would have to increase their US security holdings by over 300% to own just half of US debt. Most US debt is owned by Americans.

  2. Further to what Brandon said what you have to remember is that our entire economic system is an abstract, it is artificial. The Chinese can't turn up one day, strip all your assets, kick you out of the country, and then padlock the gates like the US is a business going under. For the system to work the Chinese need the US. If the US go under they take the Chinese economy with them. The Chinese are still behind the US in so many ways. I try to look beyond their stunts and showmanship. I see a slave economy; an over inflated economy. I see fractures in the state beyond the rich coastal regions. I can't see them ever ramping up production of arms because that requires taxes and with the rich really running the show over there and the wages for worked being so low I can't see from where the revenue will come. If we Europeans did more to pick up the slack then China would be faced by you, us, and the Indians. As it stands they would struggle to take on one of those three and win. (Perhaps Europe but we like them lack real reach, but unlike them we have the US to help with that reach.)

    The US needs to do a couple of things. Bring manufacturing home which is already happening. Really go after natural gas (and fusion). Secure your southern border, even if that means the US pushing the Mexicans back 30 miles from the current border.

  3. lol, what a silly video, no content, just scare tactics, please remeber it was the republicans scrapping the rule book for wall street, during reagans era that helped cause this mess, then bush wanted everyone to get a morgage, didnt really matter, if they could pay or not.

  4. dude. why do you always default to a political blame game. both parties are equally worthless. your defense of liberalism is as stupid as people who worship at the alter of globalization. you're both idiots.

    get off the blame train and get with people who want to solve the problem. oh and there is nothing laugh out loud about the debt that this country is racking up. nothing at all.

  5. its a political broadcast for conservatives!!. saying obama is wrong it directly attacks his policies, "healthcare" & spending his way out of a recession are you seriously telling me this is apolitical?

    it's akin too those adverts going back a few cycles attacking that politicians war record? you know the one, it's an attack ad, pure & simple

    you should do what britain has & ban all political parties & there ilk from buying ad space, instead they are given a limited amount of time at peak viewing times, but you'll find them quite inofensive, compared to this.

    i said lol to the advert not the mess!!

  6. darren1678 you obviousally haven't had any Economic hrs. You are one lost libtard! Wake-up man,And first of all Steve..WTF! Our ENTIRE economic system is artificial & abstract!??"It is artificial"?....Please do elaborate on those "brilliant" deductions! I don't think this vid is trying to say the Chinese are going to "padlock our system", Etc...It is merely a wake the fuck up..."Obummeronics" is a "Sand Castle".....Print & spend & taxing the top 20% of well-off Americans (that's over 250,000thousand a year) in the "Obummers" book is like standing in a bucket & attempting to pick it up, It's not possible, As i said this is a Wake the hell up vid...Simple as that, With this current "obummer" administration, I don't think many reaalize just how close we are to a MAJOR crash now!!!


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