Monday, October 15, 2012

An integrity test for Marine Leadership.

Now we'll see if Marine Leadership has any integrity or if they're just a bunch of politically correct lemmings.  via Marine Times.
The Marine Corps’ effort to evaluate whether more combat jobs should open to women marked another milestone last week when the second of two female volunteers washed out of infantry officer training.
A second lieutenant, she was dropped from the program Friday after failing to complete required training due to unspecified medical reasons, a Marine official told Marine Corps Times. It’s unclear whether she was injured or if she became ill.

The other volunteer, also a second lieutenant, dropped out Sept. 28 after she was unable to complete the program’s introductory combat endurance test. Nearly 30 men also washed out on the first day.

No shame on the Marines.  Male or Female that washed out.  30 men washed out on the first day.  But that is as its suppose to be.


Shame on the SgtMajor of the Marine Corps.  He knows the real deal even if the Commandant doesn't.  He's spent his entire career in the Infantry.  He's a Marine Sniper by God!  He knows the pain that these women were about to be subjected to and he stood by and let it happen.


Now comes the integrity test.  Either the Marine Corps Leadership will MAN UP and tell the powers that be that its just not going to happen without lowering standards (and then when they decide to lower standards to submit resignations because it will get future Marines killed) and to let the program die as it should.

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