Wednesday, October 17, 2012

And the gun sales go crazy today.

Well you can bet body parts that gun sales are going to spike.

Starting today.  Probably last night.

No one is talking about it outside of the gun community but that was the biggest mistake made by the President during the debate.

He called for gun control.  Again.

It killed the Democrats once and it might not again but I can guarantee that every gun owner in the US will vote in this election, every fear of those that believe that the government is too big and intrusive is being confirmed and this minor issue to some might be the thing that causes them the election.  We'll see what happens but this was a serious miscalculation in my mind.


  1. Hopefully, his admission will have the same effect this time.

  2. Absurd...he did everything BUT call for gun guys are freakishly paranoid...go ahead and vote for the guy who governed the state with the most restrictive gun laws in the US and keep driving up ammunition prices for those of us that haven't appeared on "Doomsday Preppers"

    1. you're brain dead and didn't watch the debate. he DID say that he wanted to renew the assault weapons ban. clean your ears and your mind cowboy.

    2. Money quote "Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced".~ B. Hussein Obama
      Source Bam! You loose!

    3. Well hopefully it will wake the sheeple up and get them to begin preparing for the shit storm that is about to come down!

  3. Nothing on this earth will make me vote for POTUS Obama.
    The Man said automatic weapons, weapons that fire many projectiles with just one pull of the trigger ie:(a single shot shotgun becomes an automatic weapon because it shoots shot) , he means semi automatics also which can include lever/pump rifles and shotguns.
    These idiots just do not see beyond cosmetic looks on a gun. An AR-15 is not the same weapon as an M-16A2 and the AR-15 is not an assault rifle.
    Assault rifle means Bayonet stud,flash suppressor, pistol grip (even the standard bolt action rifle has what the hoplophobes call a pistol grip) a large capacity magazine hold over ten rounds (your basic shotgun even if made for birds or clays is considered a large mag capacity due to it shooting shot) It has absolutely no effect on the operation of the weapon, just the way the weapon looks.
    This in my opinion would start a civil war that would be hard to put down without NAZI tactics and IEDS would be everywhere just like in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The worst move any POTUS could make.
    I actually don't trust RINO'S in this case either.

    1. Jesus - so you're OK with another Vietnam draft dodger in the White House ?

    2. i think Zebra Dunn is saying that it doesn't matter which clown gets in the white house. we're all screwed anyway. let me ask you a question. how can the solution to our nations fiscal problems be so clear to everyone outside of DC but they don't have the answers inside of it? how can everyone see that free trade is anything but fair trade yet no one see it? how can everyone see that the current administration is conducting a campaign of divide and conquer yet no one see it? the die is cast, we're fucked.

    3. "Jesus - so you're OK with another Vietnam draft dodger in the White House ?"

      You mean like Clinton? (Hate to burst your bubble, but Bush wasn't a "draft-dodger". He was flying F-102s with the Guard at the time, and they didn't need them in Vietnam.)

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  5. I hope this time this Gun control will implement too.


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