Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Another look. The Super AV 8x8 in Italian service and as shown at MDM.

This is another look at the Super AV 8x8 in Italian service and as shown at Modern Day Marine.  During my interview with BAE officials, Nunn stated that there are actually 3 iterations of the Super AV 8x8...I'll simply call them AV-1, AV-2 and AV-3.  Unfortunately info is still spotty on the net and I'm hoping that Ferrans or Bosley can get better info since they live in Europe.  Below are the pics.  If you examine them closely you'll see a family resembalance (even stretching to the Freccia) but the vehicle being presented to the USMC is totally unique.

And now the BAE MPC at Modern Day Marine....

Going over my notes from the interview I failed to get info on the water propulsion system, and whether the USMC MPC would be offered for export (remember the Japanese and S. Koreans are looking at purchasing amphibious vehicles and would probably follow the USMC's move).  Interesting times.  Confidence is EXTREMELY HIGH that I'll get a talk with Lockheed Martin.  SAIC is proving a bit harder and General Dynamics is not even answering the phone.  I'll keep you informed.