Monday, October 15, 2012

Clarification. Costa fights Zombies.

Ok.  Here goes.  On Friday I wrote this.
I don't know whats going on but every government around the globe seems to be gearing up for mass riots and social upheaval.  The latest being the Swiss...and now we have this vid from Costa.  When will life imitate art?

Oh and I first saw this on Soldier Systems but they took the vid down...wonder why?
I posted that with the above video and to be honest thought nothing more about it.  Well today I saw this in the comments of that vid and thought it needed to be highlighted.
I am the producer of the above project "Operation Z".

The word "zombie" is never mentioned directly in the production. If you see the "zombie" scenario as metaphor for something else, and you want your wife or family to understand the implications of that, please check out the project when it's released (soon).

Its not about Zombies.

But even if it was I'd have watched it.  I mean seriously producer guy, you have to admit that it has alot of the hallmarks of modern Zombie lore in that highlight.

Now with the clarification I can see its tilted more towards survival after societal collapse.

Still gonna watch it....but I wonder why the Zombie meme is being shot down when it definitely gives out that vibe?  Either way I'm still a Costa fan.  I still cringe at the CHE (Costa Haley Effect).  And I still hate the blurring of the lines between Combat Shooting, 3 Gun Matches, Pistol/Rifle Competitions, Civilian Self Defense and Law Enforcement Shooting.

Now that we have that cleared up I hope I'm on the mailing list for new Costa gear.  I missed out on that leg platform.  

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