Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I hope this clown's FitRep takes a hit after this stunt.


Really LT.?

How much did you have to drink before you put this vid up?  What makes you think this is a good idea?  How do you not think that this is NOT embarassing to the US Navy and to the Naval Aviation?

Your FitRep should take a big hit.  If for nothing else than for showing a distinct lack of maturity, bearing and respect for the uniform.  But the service chiefs have allowed the environment for shit like this to take place so I doubt that it'll happen.  But it should.


  1. Man, you need to lighten up. Or check your meds. Or something. Your screeds are far more damaging to the services than these videos are.

    1. Solomon, he is right. Why is it that the top military blogs don't link to you, eh? Think about it.

    2. Oh, I'm sure he'll come back with "they just don't get it"...right...

    3. no actually what i'm coming back with is this. i don't care what you bozos think. you can both pound sand.

  2. Have to agree with Solomon. There are certian things that are sacred and serious. It's sad and embarassing to watch members of our services cheapen their role and organization(s). It's no coincidence that the type of people who would do this are the same people that say "lighten up".

  3. I was a little pissed with last year's ball invites, but I think ultimately it was good press. This one really pisses me off. One, this guy is an officer and two, a pilot. You're telling me he can't get his own date to the ball? Fuck him in his top gun asshole! Just embarrassing.


  4. well think about it another way. this celebrity just got an invitation from a service member ... everyone wants to support service members but a date? its like abusing a position of trust for personal gain. its not good press, its childish, its selfish, its taking advantage of the publics good will, its misusing the uniform for personal gain and its putting another individual in a terrible position.

    its almost blackmail.

    1. Yep. But that is what you should have said in your post at the top and ranted afterwards. It is embarrassing as you say.

      Everybody else let's not forget that some "celebrities" support the forces without the need to be solicited. (Further it is unoriginal which says little for the intellect for somebody in one of the most mentally taxing jobs in the military.)


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