Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I hope this guys fitrep takes hit update.

Steve stated that my response to a comment was better than the post itself so here goes....
well think about it another way. this celebrity just got an invitation from a service member ... everyone wants to support service members but a date? its like abusing a position of trust for personal gain. its not good press, its childish, its selfish, its taking advantage of the publics good will, its misusing the uniform for personal gain and its putting another individual in a terrible position.

its almost blackmail.
And it is almost like blackmail.

Remember when the first flurry of these things hit?  Everyone was thinking cute but I could almost see the stars cringe.

They were thinking about this on a couple of levels.  How would you react if someone that you didn't know that could be from anywhere asked you out on a "date"?  How would you feel if you realized that the ramifications of improperly handling this situation could affect your CAREER!

Wouldn't you feel a bit bitter?


Put in an almost no win situation?  What about the celebrities schedule?  Just cause the Marine is having a good time at the ball doesn't mean that its something that the celebrity wants to do!

Its just bad form and no one seems to be taking the view of the celebrity...Everyone is being so childish and hip and thinking that its cute.

In reality its anything but.  I usually don't feel anything for celebrities but in this instance I do.

For all you clowns that think that this is simple fun need to seriously check yourself.  This is creepy at best.  And I repeat my earlier stance.  The Service Chiefs and their Enlisted Advisers have lost direction if they can't see this and have lost perspective if they don't see a need to stop it. 


  1. Embarrassing that a JO can't find his own date without resorting to this kind of cheese. But it could be even more embarrassing: he could be looking for a date with a celebrity dude.

    1. thanks for that vision. i'm gonna have nightmares now.


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