Saturday, October 13, 2012

Violent females. How do you respond as a man?

Forget all the stupidity you see in this video.

Concentrate on a few things.

1.  It appears that the female strikes the male first.  Supposedly she also spit on him.

2.  The male retaliated by launching a vicious upper cut.

3.  The reaction from the crowd and the female that struck the male was that "hey! she's a female!"

Consider those few things and then think that if a woman has an object she could brain a male considerably larger than her.  Consider that women are placing themselves in occupations where they will meet men in physical confrontations (in the instance  of this post Women in the Infantry).  Consider that even though everyone still screams about women and men being equal...even when it comes to physicality (I support this except when it comes to women being physically equal), yet these same people that are fully indoctrinated in that ideal still scream "she's a female when a male retaliates after being struck"...and lastly consider that laws in our society are  edged toward women when it comes to physical confrontations....

And I ask you.  How is a guy suppose to react if he is assaulted by a woman?  If you say that if he isn't hurt he's to walk away then I ask how can you define pain in someone else?  Is he suppose to simply report it?  Aren't we developing a society where women can behave badly with little consequence?

Don't laugh.  You could be minding your own business and get assaulted by some deranged female and have to consider your response to the attack.  Think about it before it happens!

I knew it would happen if I wrote this post.  Let me say again.  I am not anti-woman!  I know plenty of women that are much smarter than me, have better social skills and can teach me a thing or two about a thing or two.  But I'm not talking about brain power, this is a discussion of physicality.  Its about how a guy is to react to a woman if she is clearly wrong, yet decides to engage HIM in a physical confrontation.  Nothing more or less.


  1. Given the laws, a man can only escape while taking blows, promptly call the cops, and hope the cops and judge don't take the side of the female.

    That bus driver should of promptly asked her to leave once she got disruptive. If she didn't leave, he should of stopped the bus and called the cops on her to remove her from the bus.

  2. oh the bus driver was wrong as two left feet, but you have to admit that you're seeing women get more and more physical and then when retaliation time comes they hide behind being female. my issue is that we're seeing women behaving badly and its gonna be an issue if not for our generation then the following one unless we get some kind of handle on it. but you left out an issue. what happens when a woman attacks with something less than a knife, edged weapon or gun but yet is still capable of inflicting damage...say a baseball bat. what does a guy do then? i don't know but it will be fascinating to watch if its not me in the cross hairs.

  3. She put herself in a Mans place by hitting the bus driver first ans spitting on him, she got what she deserved!

  4. She got what she deserved. That's one. The problem is that the Bus driver does not have an excuse for what he did. He should have stopped the bus and called the cops. Then press charges against her. Thank god the Bus was full of passengers.

  5. to be honest.... lol, what a stupid violent women.

    the guy went over the top, but hell, he never started it. he had it right, "if she wants to be treated like a man, i'll treat her like one", well i paraphrased that a lil.

    anyones going to jail it should be her for "violence in the work place", he couldn't walk away, couldn't really avoid the situation the only person who could have walked away was her, she didn't, spat at him, punched him, then got punched in self defense!!!

  6. The woman deserved it. Anyone who assaults another should watch for retaliation whether it's a physical response or the police arresting her. He could have chosen the civil option which is to call the police (probably company policy) but he chose the alternative.

    Anyone knows if he or she were arrested? Maybe both were? Was he fired from the transportation authority?

  7. I believe when she attacked the driver while the vehicle was in transit, the woman became a threat to everybody at the bus. The driver was only neutralizing the threat.

  8. If you behave like that your asking for it...


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