Friday, November 16, 2012

BAE's Ground Combat Vehicle Infographic.

click on pic to enlarge


  1. Eighty Four Tons!!!!!!!!

    Speaking as a 19K, that is FU^#!NG ridiculous.

    1. yeah. the Army is smoking crack on this one. heavier than an M1A2. i'm really shocked that its even being considered. that says everything.

    2. I believe that is in the absolute heaviest armor configuration, but 84 tons is more than the WW2 King Tiger, and that had mobility issues.

      Also, these requirements are still changing. There is an article floating around that explains why this thing is so damn big. Basically, the Army wants to move around a 9 man squad, at the speed of an Abrams, with the protection equal to an MRAP and a Bradley combined.


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