Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sex, Libya and the Generals.

If they can crawl around the E-mails of the head of the CIA, then you can bet that if you type certain key words then they're going to be crawling up your butt with a microscope.

Men died in Libya and no one cared.  Now a couple of women get into a cat fight over a guy and Washington is interested and outraged.  Amazing.  Sad.  Pay close attention men.  They talk about heroism.  They talk about respect to those serving...but its just that.  No one outside the military really cares.  Its just words and punch lines at parties and in speeches.

As long as they're talking about sex, a cat fight and who said what when it comes to the cheating scandal then I don't care.  When they concentrate on how the FBI can open private citizens E-mails when no crime or threat to national security exists then consider me interested.

Now they're trying to bring a Marine General into this nonsense.  I pray to God that he had enough honor to steer clear but if he didn't then again.  I don't care.  We have much bigger problems.

Rant over.


  1. I broadly agree Sol, the CIA is bigger than one man who can't keep it in trousers.

    People should focus on the serious things and not the trivia of the behind closed doors failings of a man with feet of clay

    1. thanks. i'm linking to your articles on whether the tank lives or dies today. just a heads up

  2. We are a tabloid obsessed society. Think of how many celebrity gossip shows are on TV and compare that to shows about the military. I'm talking real shows that give some indication of what is actually happening in AFG and other places. I can't think of any of the latter.

    Real life isn't sexy enough for most people. News shows do their Veteran's day stories with the same enthusiasm as a Valentine's day story. It's just another day on the calendar. But they will shit their pants for the chance to talk about who is fucking who.


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