Thursday, November 15, 2012

The movement is real.

I've been reading posts about the secessionist movement in the some states (mine included) and I considered it cute at best and at worst just a bit of venting by some frustrated citizens.

If you're interested in finding out exactly how frustrated some of your fellow citizens are then I recommend you read this.

Its pure fiction but it shows you exactly where some people are when it comes to an over bearing federal govt.  Things could get real dicey real fast unless we face a unifying event.  I'm not hopeful though.  Hurricane Sandy didn't even succeed in bringing us together.  If that can't then what will?


  1. Obama and the Democrats dove deep into the sewer of racial and ethnic hatred to win the election. Look at how much they are gloating, even celebrating, how the Republicans are old and white and dying off.

    That's my parents and grandparents they are talking about. My friends and family. They are gloating about the deaths of people I love. Do they even realize the fire they are playing with?

    It's increasingly clear to me the Democrats wish harm on me and my family.

  2. Well I'll say one thing, at least conservitives like myself are generally the ones with all the real firepower in their homes. If the stinky stuff does hit the fan I will be ready. I'm not a Y2K kind of crazy or anything, but I do believe in being prepaired for the demise of civil authority. Armed 24/7, water and food supplies for three months minimum for a family of seven. Generator, with a decent supply of fuel, medical supplies and the RN wife to support our medical needs. I see people on the east coast stressing over the essentials, its only been what, three or four weeks. You have to remember, no one can take care of you like you can. It doesn't take much to ensure your safety, just a level head and a little knowledge. Have the knowledge before hand, without the power infistructure, the internet will be worthless when you really need it.

    1. yeah i think its really more a cultural difference between north and south and east and west. most conservatives have witnessed government fail up close. illegal immigration is a burden on the border states...not so much in the big cities on the east coast. hurricanes are a way of life and government is hunkered down like the rest of the population. people living in rural locations don't have 5 minute police response times. it that kind of thing.

  3. I go where my state goes, I'm not so much an American as I am a member of the United States but only because my home state is one of those United (so far)
    The States rights, secession or stay United with the phuc heads currently in charge and running my state which does not vote their way.
    The states that took my vote and made it worthless with massive voter fraud and intimidation without the ID to vote my state requires have made me more ready to secede if only to show those blue states my finger.
    The blue states have broken the union by forcing the red states to accept fraud and intimidation allowing their candidate to stay POTUS.
    This in my view is a fact stating those states wish to either conquer my state or secede from the red states.
    It's a liberal war of aggression on conservatives.
    States rights is an old war cry and Obama has brought my stars and stripes down off the pole and now my states flag flies in it's place.
    I'll go where my state goes.
    "Bonnie Blue W/*"


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