Friday, November 16, 2012

A simplified EFV vs. the Kerry threat.

The pic above shows the EFV moving through the water using only its water jets.  No fancy hydroplaning, no movable tracks, just using its tracks and water jets to get to the beach.

Why the Marine Corps didn't turn to immediately upon cancellation and opt for a sole sourced simplified EFV is beyond me.

Consider it an opportunity lost..but not only that but the procurement holiday that the Marine Corps took is finally biting it in the ass.  

Which brings me to this.  If Obama appoints Senator Kerry to become the Sec of Defense then you can bet that all the services will be raped.  Panetta turned native.  He understood the risks that the nation faced after his tenure in the CIA.  He was suppose to be the axe man.  He got religion.  Kerry?  A totally different breed.  He'll chop up the nations defense and smile while doing it.  The pic below is from BlackFive.  It sums things up rather nicely.


  1. I recall John F'n Kerry.
    After winter soldier the group hate for active duty troops and Veterans went up 100% with attacks both verbal, physical and saliva.
    Morale plummeted. I'd say the majority of problems for Vietnam Veterans started with John F'n Kerry. I also say that having a red communist sympathizer and American hating communist stooge and ketchup gigolo with a boonie hat allegedly given to him by the CIA in a position of authority over the Defense of the United States is grounds enough for secession.
    For phucs sake make the clown the ambassador to Vietnam so he can tell them "he was in Nam" I bet the Vietnamese are too honorable a people to take a traitor in even if he worked for their side in the war.
    Then again I may just be a bitter old veteran.

    1. oh you're not bitter. you're just callin it straight. i have yet to meet a person in the military that likes the guy. i wonder how this guy keeps getting elected.

  2. For a summary of what Kerry said,
    “The war, [Kerry] said, was a criminal endeavor driven by a ‘policy of atrocities.’ The 2.5 million men who served in Vietnam were akin to ‘Genghis Khan’s barbaric hordes,’ thugs and psychopathic war criminals who wantonly plundered the Vietnam countryside, murdering, raping and bombing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians - old men, women and children -- each and every day. Lt. Kerry's widely televised statements were dramatic and persuasive, made all the more credible by the fact he had been there, said he had witnessed many of these same atrocities...It also permanently branded in the American psyche the image of Vietnam veterans as murderous ‘baby killers’ and ‘drugged out losers,’ a perception that persists today, one deeply embedded in our history.”
    In his 1971 book, The New Soldier, which sports a parody of the famous Iwo Jima flag raising, in which a group of scruffy soldiers are planting a flag upside down on the cover, Kerry said, “We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans’ Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the 'greater glory of the United States.’ We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.”

    “Little did the American prisoners of war imagine that half a world away events were conspiring to make their precarious situation even more desperate, that an American Naval Lieutenant after a 4-month tour of duty in Vietnam was meeting secretly in an undisclosed location in Paris with a top enemy diplomat. That this same lieutenant would later join forces with Jane Fonda to form an antiwar group of so-called Vietnam veterans, some of whom would be later discovered as frauds, who never set foot on a battlefield. All this culminating in John Kerry’s Senate testimony that would be blared over loud speakers to convince our prisoners that back home they were being accused and abandoned. Enemy propagandists had found a new and willing accomplice…”

    1. geez. i'm not joking when i say this. how is this guy still alive? i would think some warrior from the war would have iced him for saying some shit like that!


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