Wednesday, December 19, 2012

3d Printing.. The answer to a magazine ban?

I've been looking at some worse case scenarios with regard to a gun ban and one keeps sticking out as being a game changer.

3d printing.

For the price of a high end AR-15, I can get a printer and at the very least replicate certain parts.  Other parts can be machined in any decent machine workshop.

As a matter of fact that's how many AR-15 manufacturers got started.  They simply had a decent machine shop and fabricated parts.

Now is not the time to look at wild cat ideas but the implications are clear.  A large portion of the US public is about to be declared criminals and you can bet money that many will find work arounds to those ILLEGAL proposed laws.


  1. to be honest, i dont think you'll have to go that far, they'll be floating around the dark corners for years too come, if they are rightly banned.

    by then 3d printers probably will be well advanced enought
    , for mom & pop type printers to do a good enough job.

    1. Only retards think banning 30 round magazines is "right".

  2. anonymous,

    only plebs, that think like you, have one word answers for complex realities.

    your answers, lol, tell me all i need to know about you, solomon & me have pretty differing, world views, but for the most part he atleast, can share his views without resorting to name calling lol

    1. There were actually 8 words and 1 number in reply.

      Your usage of the word "pleb" tells me all I need to know- you are a libtard elitist who believes in guns and safety for yourself and you select group of libtard friends but not for anyone else.

    2. Wrongly banning 30 round magazines would not have stopped this atrocity from happening. Banning "assault rifles" would not have stopped this from happening. Banning semi-auto pistols would not have stopped this from happening. You simply cannot stop someone who is determined to randomly kill from doing so.

      He walked in there with three guns and many, many reloads. With all of that, he only killed 20 kids and 6 adults. He traveled to several locations in the school to do the killing and had plenty of time to reload.

  3. Where are all these pro-genocide gun-grabbers coming from Sol? I'm guessing Europe? Canada? They are a conquered people and want us to roll over too?

    I think the Euroweenies would do good to think that one through. It's the US who has kept Communism at the gates and funded European defense for the last 80 years. Which enabled the Euroweenies to spend their money on social programs, that ironically, are now forcing them into full-fledged Communism (ask Greece, Portugal, or Spain and soon to be France and the UK).

    If the US goes down, in any way (internal or external threat), these other "states" will topple like dominos.

    The West's enemies are feminized. They don't believe feelings solve conflicts.

    Back on topic...

    I think we should stop thinking around a ban and fight it. Even if it passes. The only reason they get away with violating the Constitution and our natural rights is because we let them.

    Here we have a government that can't manage it's affairs (FISCAL CLIFF!!!) putting millions in jeopordy, runs scary assualt weapons to Mexico getting LE and civilians murdered, and (as another poster pointed out) kills 3k unborn babies a day in the name of a false right.

    Why should anyone submit to this regime?


    1. i don't know where all these people are coming from. the way i figure it, they're just part of the anti-gun movement and they're fanning out.

      the funny thing is that pro-gunners have been winning big. more people buying guns, more people buying gun gear, going to gun classes, getting concealed weapons.

      i think they just feel the pressure and have over reached. but you're right, just cause a law is passed doesn't mean a law has to be obeyed. i will have no problem being a 1% if it comes to it.

    2. As a Brit I agree with what you say. You should have seen the face of my tutor at uni' when I said American weapons and worse (for them) American nuclear weapons kept money in our economies so the wealthy middle class kids like her (and my class mates) could sit in uni' and talk crap about the US. After tutorial they would go to shoot pool (US game), eat burgers (US food), listen to their iPods (US tech), and often wearing jeans and collegiate sweatshirts (US style clothing). But heck there you go,

  4. hay anonymous,

    what exactly is a "false right"?the full & unequivical right over your own body, or a right to be armed to the teeth, with lax controls?? or both. If you have the right to have a gun, she has the right to do with her body as she wishes, without you thumbing your nose at her, or would you like to see crime skyrocket again in a couple of deckades, when the kids growup, wards of the state, or worse, unwanted & unloved.

    then you'd be saying our country is falling apart bvecause of all these libtards interfering with your great country!! we must clamp down on these young hooligans, why do they breed so much!!!!

    lol anonymous your kinda a nuttard, getit gunnut & retard together, makes guntard or nuttard, chose one, i'll stick with libtard thank you, for that new emblem

    libtards unite, lets march against all the guntards & nuttards....

    i know anonymous, satirical comment is probably over your heard.

    also if your gonna comment dont you think it's best too have a handle? other than anonymous

    1. Calm down before your little libtard-hippy brain explodes and just ruins that lovely pink wall paper you have. I know you are butt-hurt because there are people out there actually fighting for their inalienable rights rather than just laying down and letting the socialists tear-up the constitution but you need to get over it.

    2. that is too funny! i'm loving it! i wonder why they're always surprised when people actually stand up to oppose them on issues? they really believe that the whole world is just like them. don't they realize they some men would rather stand apart rather than participate in the pussification of america?

    3. The "right" to kill an unborn human because it imposes a known nine month imposition on a human being who created it.

      The "right" to someone else's paycheck.

      The "right" to healthcare.

      The "right" to education.

      The "right" to a job.

      The "right" to disarm your neighbor so he must submit to mob rule (aka Democracy, which we are not) and accept harm.

      These are all false rights and are in no way natural. Hence our morally and economically broke nation it's infatuation with failed ideas.

      If your ideas worked, we wouldn't be having this conversation. There would be no need for a Second Amendment and certainly no need to protect it.

      I hope you do muster up the courage to march against "guntards." I hope dear leader writes an EO to ban guns. You have no idea what your side has started--just look at the guns flying off the shelves!

      In my state, the typical background check takes 25 minutes. Often so fast I can't even shoot the shit with the shop owner or talk about their service. BOOM--approval.

      It is now FOUR DAYS BEHIND. That is thousands of new and current gun owners that you won't have the courage to deal with.

      Limber up!


  5. hay stop hating the pink wall paper, you know you love it!!!!

    well, i'm sure you will once you get used to it, honey bunny, remember i'm the man in our relationship therefore get the k.y. out your about to be butt ******, oh yeah i meant both ways, say good buy to your beloved assault weapons & large capacity mags, unless obama pussy's out.

    which is a possibility, i must admit.

    dont you just love a low down slag-fest.

    1. whats a slag and are you gay? you're real comfortable talking about getting fucked in the ass.

    2. The acceptance of your homosexuality would probably relieve you of the mental imbalance that makes you want to engage in socialist control-freakery, give it a try darren.

  6. slag is slang for slagging each other off, your equivelent might be "your momma's so fat jokes" or "your dicks so small jokes", never tried the gay thing, but your a marine, how it feel like? that type of thing, taking something personal & turning it around, to make fun of them.

    but on a serious note, USMC, nothing but respect & admiration for them.

    anonymous, control freakery, maybe you where thinking gun freakery there, as you sit in your bug out hole thinking the worlds about to end, polishing your pistol & saving that last bullet, maybe you should eat that last bullet & become a statistic, to help proof the theory "guns dont kill people, people kill people"

    1. No theory about it, a gun is a harmless, inanimate object without human intervention- I know that is a hard fact for a libtard to swallow but that is just the way it is.

      And as for control freakery, that is absolutely what gun control is about, it is about weakening the constitution to undermine democracy and restricting personal freedoms- but as a libtard you already know that as its all part of the socialist agenda.

    2. hay anonymous, i knew you'd bite that one, it's the same arguement put forth by the car lobby, cars dont kill people people kill people, 40 years later, fatality's during said accidents are way down. Why? because of stringent safety laws, imposed by the goverment!!! socialism i here you cry, well, maybe, but i'd prefer a car steering colum, who's nick name isn't "vlad the impalier, or a gas tank that doesn't explode from a rear shunt, without the rule of law, things can get out of hand.

      The 2nd amendement, states you have the right to bear arms, with something called a well organised militia. it doesn't say you have the right to any firearm under the sun, no one is gonna repeal your rights, just adjust them, like has happend many times before, there was a time the NRA was a force for good, working with goverment, to uphold, the Principals you so dearly love, but also balance them against the safety of the majority, who thinks you shouldn't be able to go into a gun show & buy anything you like with the most lax checks imaginable.

      no one is attacking your right to bear arms.

      i for one would vote against any proposition to rescind the 2nd amendment (if i was american, or radically alter it (exception being full/semi auto rifles, i include the likes of pdw's, full auto handguns)

      but i dont believe you need 100 round drum mags, semi/full auto's that can empty that mag in the space of a few seconds.

      i believe, concealed carrers should be allowed to go anywhere without restrictions, with few exemptions, federal buildings, court houses etc etc.

      ones registered with fire arms should have annual inspections paid for with a license fee paid for by the gun owner, any infractions for storage or unlicensed firearms, should be dealt with seriously, any amunition that isn'ty registered to them again should be dealth with harshly.

      but these concealed carriers should only be ex law enforcement, ex military, or someone willing to spend 3-5 days a year, every year to get recertified, any serious offenses, they loose there permit, no questions asked, no if and or buts.

    3. As has been demonstrated on multiple occasions what you believe is nonsense. In a genuinely free society everyone should be allowed to own firearms with restrictions only applied to criminals and the mentally ill- any restriction on this is both unconstitutional and a dsiturbing shift towards the extreme authoritarian left.

    4. I interpret the 2nd Amendment like this,

      "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,"

      which to me means a part-time government controlled force to defend from external threats and

      "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

      that outside the militia the ordinary citizen should be allowed to own military weapons. That is the existence of the government force does not impinge on the right of the citizen to hold military weapons. If you study IR you talk about states having a monopoly on violence; the 2nd Amendment removes that monopoly from the state for political purposes.

  7. The Last Magazine ban brought out many Magazines of the 20 and 30 rd variety that were blocked to hold only 5 to 10 rds.
    Same size mag but the ammo would only fit the prescribed rds.
    Upon cleaning the magazines I discovered while taking them apart the follower and spring were of the same as before the ban, what was different was the wooden stick placed inside to make the rd capacity to go down from 30 to 10 I removed the sticks and had a working 30 rd magazine.
    Some Hi/Cap ban that was. Totally useless unless a person knew how to take the mag apart and remove the stick.
    There are folks out in the real world who can make good serviceable Hi/Cap magazines from scratch but when all you do is take out the block what's the point in a ban?
    If you have only 10 rds then reload three times for 30.
    This is feel good legislation it doesn't actually affect anyone or any thing.

  8. zebra dun,

    obviously, your right, ineffectual implementation, does no one any good.

    another point, during an annual inspection, you could loose your license, if said magazine was discovered in your posesion, refer to above post, would you risk it for a lil inconvience when on the shooting range?

    i doubt it, most gun owners, are right standing citizens, like yourself, but everyone suffers because of the few.

    It's about giving law enforement opertunities to remove guns from bad people, most people who would have large mags are right standing, but for the few, it allows them to be busted, therefore dont do it.

    1. "your right"
      "loose your license"
      "lil inconvience"

      Yep you sound like a Liberal. You demand moral authority to oppress others, because your ideas are superior, but have yet to master basic grammar and spelling.

      And I'm no spelling Nazi, it's just that hard to read what you've written (if you could call it writing).

      Here's an idea... Accept the fact that we Americans are going to keep our weapons. And if you can't live with that fact, emigrate.

      Everybody wins!


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. anonymous,

    i dont live in america, never have, i wondered when you'd bring up my poor writing skills, it's an act of the desperate, it's called dyslexia, usually affects spelling & grammer. Unfortunatly i never really did get the hang of grammer at achool. to be honest spelling, i should do better but sometimes it, just slips thru.

    anyways, i'm not morally superior to anyone, i believe in what i do, but listen to others, for instance, solomon convinced me on concealed carry & it being moronic to not allow those who are properly licensed, to carry anywhere.

    but, i doubt you'd ever listen to anyone, as your kind never does, an emotionally stunted individual, who cant put two independent thoughts together, to save himself.

    best caveman impersonation "Me want guns, ug, they go bang, me so happy, he not spell so good, me cant argue the points, ug, so me make fun, that make him shut up, i win!!!, me so brainy" lol

    again i'm sure you pick wholes in, my writing, but who gives a fuck.

    1. darren.

      sorry buddy. can't feel even a bit of sympathy for ya. you come onto the website and you're from another country debating something that is of extreme importance to many of us and you don't expect to get slammed? what the fuck are you thinking. quite seriously i agree Anonymous on this. if you don't live here then don't comment on OUR stuff.

  10. hay solomon,

    not asking for any sympathy, just stating fact, also this is a public forum, no?

    but the lowest common denominator, is this, we live in free countries, yours a republic, mine a constitutional monarchy, we have diverging views, but, comment & public debate, is an importantpart of freedom, especially in public forums, like this.

    i choose to post here, because people, dont believe the same, as i do.... that would be boring.

    1. yeah its open but the thing is you're not serious. you're not serious about this one bit. but i would bet body parts that alot of people on this board are extremely serious about this.

      so continue to troll on this subject and i can bet you're gonna get your ass handed to you.

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