Saturday, December 29, 2012

A note to a FEW of my British readers.

This doesn't apply to All of my British readers...just the guys that keep chiming in on our gun control debate.


Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.
Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.
The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour. 
Read the article here.

What ya got to say about that Darren???

What the fuck guys!  I was aiming this at the anti-gunner, make the USA a British colony again, if it ain't the UK it ain't right people that keep popping up on my page and even the guys that I agree with in the UK are taking it like I'm talking about them.

The operative word in my statement was "FEW"!

It wasn't aimed at the vast majority of the blokes (yeah I picked up the lingo when working with the Royal Marines) that come here (being redundant but its necessary to drive home the point).  So if you feel like this applies to you good.  I hit my target.  If it doesn't then relax and enjoy the ride.

If it doesn't and you're still pissed then get over yourself.  Now excuse me but I'm going out in the cool morning air and enjoy my 2nd Amendment rights and destroy some coke cans and expend about 500 rounds of 22lr in the process.  Yeah I can do that in the land of the free.  Can you?  Oh wait.  You lost the right!  WOW!  No wonder some of you are pissed.  Perhaps you should use all that venom to petition your law makers to get back what was freely given up all those years ago.


  1. consider the source, Conservatives, eu commision, in no ones mind a good source for anything other than bipartisian statistics.

    please quote proper, unpartisan statistics, such as the home office statistics, who's figure are broken down for you,

    across the board crime is down, robbery -7%, crimes against vehicles -8%, violence against the person -6%, other theft -2%.

    violence against the person covers everything from serious assault or "GBH", too 2 drunks "having a punch up" after closing time.

    i dont know why they group, the figures that way , but they do.

    i'm sure south africa's crimes don't get reported so fastidously, in there slums.

    but i digress, use real figures next time to base your attack,

    so thats what i have to say on that solomon.

    1. so you're a source'ist. if the source of the information...even if its credible, doesn't meet with your approval then you shoot it down? interesting. you lost bud. your ideas have lost and the UK is headed toward austerity and away from socialism and so is the rest of Europe.

      the age of the communal relationship with govt has come to an end. the hippie generation is dying off and the age of tough, smart, open eyed ethics and work is dawning.

      conservatisim always wins.

    2. the office of national statistics, is a credible source of statistics is very credible, your right i differeniate between statistics that have political purpose & ones that are mearly put out for informational purposes.

    3. Ha! Darren trusts his government to tell him his government's ideas are working.

      No conflict of interest there, huh?

      Maybe you should start considering the anecdotal evidence--it might be more credible. Why are (some) PCs carrying MP5s on an island that's had gun prohibition for 50 years?

      Because it's working great, I suppose...


    4. Our goverment is kind of different from yours, we dont kick out 20000 employees every 8 years, replacing them with political appointees. There run by the civil service, permanant secrateries etc etc.

      too be honest only 1 man at the top of each organisation, is replaced, with every new goverment. thats, why you win an election, then take power the next day. no great powershift occurs,

      plus the "ONS" is masndated by law to be apolitical.

      Police Constables, dont carry mp5's, atall, lol, there is a raging debate over arming them with tazers never mind arming them with handgun.

      it's called armed response!!! For gun, or serious crime incidents.

      or are you talking about airport security? i wonder, why you might need armed guards there?? lol

  2. I have no idea why the Philippines isn't included in the list. 9 out of 10 people in the Philippines carry a gun. Unlicensed. Gun-related crimes in the Philippines is bread-and-butter.

    I believe you can't "ban" weapons in the US because of the "right to bear arms". Trying to get this constitutional right changed would be asking HAMAS to change their constitution in regards to the future of Israel. It ain't gonna happen.

  3. Nice three year old-plus article from the Daily Wail. I would take those stats with a large pinch of salt in terms of cross-border comparisons. Differences in measurement alongside cultural, procedural and even language differences mean that the comparison could be skewed. But saying that, you're quite right, we should definitely attend to our own issues before ever daring to comment on those of the USA, after all it's not as if the US State Department just told the UK to stay in the EU... oh hang on, it did. The problem is that the cultural influence of the USA as well as the commercial ties (I am writing this reply on a laptop supplied by a US company, using an operating system from the USA etc etc) mean that we reserve the right to participate in any and all debates about what happens in the US (it's just too easy since we speak the same language, more or less).
    I don't like gun control, I would love to shoot as a pastime but it's just too expensive and restrictive here in the UK, but the gun laws here are probably a recognition of failure both to enforce earlier gun control laws properly and to spot and treat mental health issues (e.g. prevent access to guns by people who shouldn't).

    1. "..the cultural influence of the USA as well as the commercial ties mean that we reserve the right to participate in any and all debates about what happens in the US." Please elaborate. No, instead, please clarify what you mean by "participate in any and all debates about what happens in the US." Do you think you have the right to influence us or tell us how to govern our country? Or am I misreading you and the millions of others in the Western world who feel the need to involve themselves in our affairs?

  4. Solomon, you really must stop using the Daily Mail website as a source for UK news stories. It's like using the APA website for reliable information about the F-35...

  5. The Mail is just reporting, they are not the source of the numbers. John Lott observes: "The figures, compiled from reports released by the European Commission and United Nations, also show:
    •The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
    •It has a higher homicide rate than most of our western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
    •The UK has the fifth highest robbery rate in the EU.
    •It has the fourth highest burglary rate and the highest absolute number of burglaries in the EU, with double the number of offences than recorded in Germany and France. . . .
    In the UK, there are 2,034 offences per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-placed Austria with a rate of 1,677. . . .
    One of Lott's commenters notes the differences in reporting between countries, and no one touches the hot vs cold burglary distinction. UK hot burglaries (occupants inside) is far greater in the UK, whereas if it happens in the US, it is usually by accident.
    Oh, and I'll take the Mail over the Leftardian any day. The Times? Sometimes.

  6. I would still take those figures with a pinch of salt since they are not the original source, but a compilation of data compiled by a (then) opposition party trying to make the Government look bad. Since the Mail is right wing it would emphasise the "bad news" to make the then left of centre government look bad.

    (Saying that, the increase in burglaries could be down to modern cars being a lot more difficult to break into than the owner's house).

    Slightly off topic... now The Times is behind a pay wall I don't bother with it. The Daily Mail (especially the website) thinks it's ok to publish photos of 14 yr girls in bikinis with captions along the lines of "showing off her curves" and is therefore, to my mind, lacking in journalistic integrity. At least with the Guardian you know where it is biased.

  7. I don't care what fookin' foolish ass laws the British have, I ain't British, I am not a citizen (serf) of the UK My family left dear old mother country during the land clearances where the crown wanted the land and deported the people, who disagreed with the crown but who owned the land to the America's.
    Call me what you wish but when your people have been kicked to the curb by the mother country had everything you own stolen and you are shipped to a foreign shore to fight French, Other Europeans to numerous to name and indians you start thinking maybe those Englishters want their own country and don't care what happens to it's former citizens deported nor the country they live in, BUT NOOOOO!
    You clowns think you can still nag, bitch and moan even after you declared us not welcome. Even after 300,000 + American's died keeping you from speaking German and or Russian.
    Now you come here and RUNOFT at the mouth about your l'il third world soon to be muslim country, your kings and queens, your oppressive anti self defense laws and that stupid ass gun ban.
    Telling us the unwanted and unwashed of the mighty British Empire how to run our country.
    With all due respect Mate, bugger off, get crackin' get crackin'.


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