Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Active Shooter. Face it. You're on your own.

Quick rant.

Another animal with a gun decided to go on a shooting spree in Oregon.  Sympathy to the families of the victims.  But I also have a warning to those that remain.  In an active shooting situation you're on your own.  

Face up to it.  Accept it.  Deal with it.

The police response we saw yesterday was text book.  They arrive at the scene, contain it and then they sort the good from the bad.

That's all well and good if you're on the outside looking in...but if you're trapped inside that police perimeter with your family then you're dog meat.

Between the incident yesterday and a glance at other active shooting incidents its obvious.

You must protect yourself.


  1. I live in PA, a right to carry state. God bless America!

  2. Oregon is an open carry state, but some cities like Portland ban open LOADED carry. Many folks have CCW, but Clackamas Town Center is private property and they do not allow guns in or at the mall. So, any shooting there must have been unpossible.

    It was a victim rich environment, with thousands of shoppers. Kudos to the employees who tackled customers to get them to hit the deck. Like the recent Colorado shooting, a magazine jam slowed things down, but the shooter was still able to stroll hundreds of feet unchallenged.

  3. Dear American,

    If you are not exercising your 2nd Amendment rights please can I have your US citizenship?

    Thanks in advance.



  4. Any sane citizen should exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. If you are in a state where you have Concealed carry laws please go thru the course.

    At a good time police are 5 to 10 min away when adding in call in time and travel time. Further that time with having enough officers to set up a perimeter then have a force to enter and neutralize the threat. By that time your family can be killed.

    Also if there are places that post no gun signs let the management know you will not shop there since you do not trust them with the safety of your family.


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