Sunday, December 23, 2012

Anti-gunners attack is already faltering.

Caught the afternoon edition of Meet the Press.

Senator Graham for the first time in a long time impressed.  Representative Chaffetz is the star that I always knew he was.

The panelist were singing off tired talking points except for...Chuck Todd.

Todd was basically ringing the alarm bells for the Administration.  He stated quite plainly that if the Administration isn't able to get a BIG bargain on the Fiscal issue in this lame duck then the Administrations entire agenda for its second term will be derailed.

Graham and Chaffetz both warned about trying to renew the assault weapons ban...diplomatically of course but it was easy to read between the lines.

Long story short.  The Administration and its cheerleaders over reached before they even began day one of their 2nd term.

The canary in the coal mine...Obama Care will hit families hard.  EPA regulations will raise the prices of everything.  Taxes will have to go up to pay for all the things that were "promised" to constitutes so the Fiscal Cliff negotiations were paramount.  Immigration reform still has to be tackled and then you add the most contentious of all issues...guns on top of all that and you have a priorities list that isn't going anywhere.

Oh and since he moved the debate on guns to the front of his agenda then you can bet at least 6 months will be wasted trying to push that thru.  If they fail on that issue then his entire agenda will fail.

They campaign like champions and govern like idiots.


  1. Forget the politicians it is that Beyonce Knowles woman and her coven I am finding to be more annoying. I note her husband is no stranger to gun crime and shady dealings. Of course he is rich and can afford body guards and such. This gun ban really is a war on the poor.

  2. a celebrity? i could care less. Beyonce, or any other movie star/singer/commedian whatever ... they're irrelevant.

    they can chirp and chime but it means nothing. the politicians are where the seat of power resides. i'm surprised you would get wrapped around the axle about what she would have to say.

  3. Many don't know one politician from another. It is celebrities who shape opinion for many. I wonder how many wives have pressured their husbands into getting rid of some weapons? Who do you think sways the wives opinion? Any way I said found them annoying not that I myself valued their opinion.

    1. fair enough but i find most entertainers to be left wing and some down right communist. i've just gotten to the point where i tune them out automatically. i always marvel at people that can name every buzz worthy entertainer but can't name the fifty states or who the majority leader is in the Senate. its so bad that i now consider it a point of pride.

    2. Yes but their profession for actors is, if you think about it, lying which is detachment from reality. And much the same can be said of the Left's view of the world, well what they preach not what many practice, in that it too is detached from reality. Here in the UK many of the Left wing politicians are quite wealthy. They will attack the Right wing on say funding for public schools (used in the US not sense) and then send their own children to private schools. Lecture others on state health system and then themselves use private medicine. Sign deals on green energy that put the majority's bills by 10% each, but as they are mostly millionaire rises in bills don't trouble them too much. In a way this gun ban is a war on the poor and the common man.

      Have you heard about the shooting in upper NY state yet?

    3. yep. and guess what. its happening in one of the most anti-gun states in the union. try that shit on a firefighter from the south and you'll be in a body bag.

  4. Most of the people I talk to about any gun ban leads to the statement of, "No I will just ignore any gun laws and go about my business as if Obama doesn't exist" to "let them come and get my Deer rifle" People just are not going to obey this law any more than they obeyed Alcohol prohibition.

    1. Well during the Troubles the UK had a division in Ulster policing a population of 2 million in a very small area. How those whack-a-doodles who say that your government is coming for your guns think that will happen I don't know. Your police and other agencies have enough trouble keeping on top of the crime they have without going after 100million gun owners. Further do they really think American servicemen are going to treat Americans like the enemy? Surely hasn't Iraq and Afghanistan shown that an angry guy with a rifle times a few million is a significant problem even for the world best equipped and probably best trained armed forces? That Nutnfancy fella has just posted another video showing another store with no ARs or AKs or Mini-14s or even tactical 22s or .223 or mags. We are witnessing history unfolding. I am beginning to think this may be close to having a big an impact as 9/11.


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