Friday, December 28, 2012

Bloomberg is an idiot and this pic is awesome.


  1. Errrr, point taken but if that's how 19-year olds carry their guns, then maybe Bloomberg has a point too.

    1. Bloomberg doesn't have a point and you do not either.
      Ever seen a pig being carried over some 19 year old's shoulder?
      Hands off grip, finger is off trigger the rifle is not pointed at anyone and most likely due to the current ROE the weapon doesn't even have a round in the chamber.

    2. well said Mr. Dunn. I'm getting real tired of people that haven't been any further than there mama's couch trying to criticize people who are trying to get the job done.

    3. I just think a better picture could have been used, by all means all these lads are admirably trying to get the job done but carrying a weapon like that just smacks of sloppiness and one of the things that will always let the side down is sloppiness, slacking off on ops gets people killed, and the same at home e.g. slacking off on responsible gun ownership and good drills also kills people through accidents or letting idiots get hold of guns to vent their anger at the world with.
      Also whilst they have a vital role and a truly difficult time of it, the military are not blameless and sometimes it seems the troops are lionised and worshipped without any room for debate or challenge. Despite the size of the US military, there is still a very significant proportion of the population, that while they should be and are grateful, have never served but have their say. As for my mama's couch, i used to love it in between trips to various parts of the globe, in fact on one I was given a pig to carry and not once thought of slinging it over my shoulders (throwing it away perhaps cos it weighed about 1.5 times more than it needed to), a 81mm tube perhaps, the tripod for a GPMG maybe, but never the gat.

  2. I recall that while not being a college grad and honestly lacking in a High School diploma I joined the United States Marines.
    At 17 I was handed a rifle with ammo and told to guard millions of dollars worth of US Military equipment I was serving with many young men some my age but most were 19 and we all had the responsibility to carry weapons and ammunition as well as the responsibility to safe guard our nations borders and it's weapons.
    I was trusted to be responsible enough to guard Bloomberg's fat ass from harm even though I was only a lad of 17 I cannot help it if Bloomberg was so irresponsible as a 19 year old he could NOT be trusted even by himself to carry weapons or safe guard anything but his political career.
    The United States military is filled with trusted and responsible 19 year old's who operate everything from clerical equipment to guarding thermonuclear weapons. I'd say they have the ability to own a simple firearm.

    1. you nailed it. its the difference from men at an early age and children who continue on after they've reached old age. judge a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin...or age.

      Bloomberg is an idiot because of his character...and for being liberal.

  3. This is a meme I have seen in several places. That it is a synthesis of the experience of generations of service personnel makes the message no less positive and powerful.

    I first I came across this story as,

    In a small town some high schoolers were getting carried away and playing up in a diner. An elderly gentlemen tackled the group and calmed them down. When the police arrived they turned to the elderly gentlemen and said,

    "Sir it is just youthful high spirits. What were you doing at 17 sir?"
    "Officer when I was 17 I was at Guadalcanal..."

  4. I have seen this statement supposedly said by Bloomberg written several different ways. him saying college students, him saying 18 years old, him saying 19 year old. So I question if it was even ever said. If so could you tell me where he said. Provide any information on when where it was said, a link of some sort to Bloomberg actually saying it. I have searched and searched and cannot find a reference to Bloomberg saying anything similar to this. I want to know because I don't pass stuff like this on unless I know it is true.

    1. i don't care what you do or don't pass on.....but because you're pissing me off this morning i'll do a quick google. i bet your sorry ass never did, but you're just lying your ass off.

    2. So... how did that Google search go for you?

    3. didn't even do it. as i said. i really don't give a damn and anyone who is defending a man that wants to REGULATE how much soda someone can drink is beneath me giving a fuck about. so long story short, fuck you, fuck your family, fuck your loved ones, if your wife wants a good fuck send her my way and go suck a dick you fucking prick.

    4. That's cute. Have fun sucking at life.

    5. wasn't meant to be cute you little fuck. i told you to send your wife my way to see what a real man can make her feel and that's the best you can come up with. check yourself out. you lost your balls and should want them back. i hate people like you. you're little bitches and instead of wanting to make yourself step up you want to drag people back to your pathetic level.

      suck a dick and i hope someone rapes you with a baseball bat.


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