Monday, December 17, 2012

BMP-3F. The Russian Amphibious Combat Vehicle.

I don't know what to make of the BMP-3F.  If it works as well as its stats indicate then it blows the AAV away in every category and matches its sea keeping.  That's a big if.  Click here to check out the manufacturers website.

  • Advanced manoeuvrability afloat, capability to move afloat at Sea State 3
  • Firing with the required accuracy at Sea State 2
  • Continuous stay afloat for 7 hours with the running engine
  • Water jet propellers develop 10 km/h speed afloat
  • The BMP-3F design allows the vehicle to come out to coast under rough sea conditions and to tow the same-type vehicle
  • A new main sight SOZH with an integrated laser range finder and an ATGM guidance channel is installed


  1. Sol the BMP-3F carries 3 crew and I believe 4 dismounts. I'm pretty sure they took the ramp out and put the engine in the rear. It's not really much of an infantry carrier though it might very well be a decent amphibious AFV.

  2. well i don't know how its setup internally but i know it has rear troop doors. the number of dismounts? i don't know again. but they have a different type doctrine. a 100mm gun on an IFV? plus a 30mm??? thats a totally different operating concept. so i don't know if what reads as a critique applies.

  3. The BMP is a death trap. The armor protection is a joke, the troop compartment is so low that any grunt over 5-10 cant fit in without getting decapitated and the troop compartment (including the rear troop doors) is used by fuel and bilge tanks for weight distribution purposes. I would shoot myself before going into combat in one of these...

    1. You are mixing things up ,aluminum armor is no worse than m113 ,7,62 AP allround protection and 12.7 AP over frontal arc ,you can always upgrade that with both addon armor and active protection buth soft and hardkill. BMP3 has a rear mounted engine for better seakeeping(most IFVs are nose heavy),BMP3 has 3+7 troops configuration ,lack of 2 forvard machine guns sugests F version to be only 3+5 in any case troop compartment in cramped as dismounts are positoned around the turret rear ,rear hull over the engine is useless space ,troops don't exit via rear ramp but over the engine compartment so are not fully protected while dismounting ,on other hand BMP3 brings a lot of firepower to the fight. Buyers include Nato member Greece and traditional users of US equipment as there is nothing comparable in the West

  4. there's 7 dismount, 2 sits beside the drivers and the other 5 sits behind the turret in front of the engine

    and yes, the troop compartment is really really cramped

    AFAIK the bmp 3 is different from the bmp 1& 2 it didn't use the rear troop doors as a fuel tank, it's on the vehicle floor

    the indonesian marine corps is using the bmp-3f version as a light tank

    sorry about my english

  5. The US would never build a foreign design like this one. But if they did the simple solution to the cramped innards would be to upscale the design by say 5% or a bit more, no more than 10% certainly.

  6. I don't think the BMP-3 matches the survivability and ergonomy of the AAV. I'd actually think the Chinese ZBD-2000 would be a more interesting comparison.


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