Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bucket List.

I've got to get up into the Welsh mountains one day and see some high performance aircraft zoom by.  Its on my bucket list for sure!


  1. Did you know that Canada backed out of the MRCA project back in 1969?
    Yes,they have done it with the Tornado and now history repeats itself...they cant be trusted when it comes to weapons(especially in aircrafts:))

  2. Canada is really irrelevant when it comes to combat operations. they are excellent peacekeepers but although there troops fight well, the politicians are nothing but peaceniks. i keep telling people but no one will listen...just strip Canada of all production setasides and give them to Japan, S. Korea or Singapore. when one of those countries buys the plane then you'll see Canada's pathetic little order dwarfed.

  3. it 40 mins down the road for me, freaks you out to have aircraft screaming past below you!!


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